Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What Is So wonderful About Wd-40?

###What Is So wonderful About Wd-40?### Advertisements

Saturday afternoon my neighbor came home with a brand new Ford Lariat Pickup Truck. Nothing draws attentiveness like a man with his new vehicle. I got up very early that next Sunday morning and while out for my walk, saw that man had spray painted red all colse to the sides of this beige truck (for some unknown reason). I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news. He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do... Probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open. Than an additional one neighbor came out and told him to get his Wd-40 and clean it off. It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that was on the truck. I was so impressed I needed to know more about Wd-40!

Facebook Small Business Saturday

'Water Displacement #40'

The product began from a hunt for a rust deterrent solvent and degreaser to safe missile parts. Wd-40 was created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the task that was to find a 'water displacement' compound. They were flourishing with the fortieth formulation, thus Wd-40. The Convair enterprise bought it in bulk to safe their atlas missile parts. Ken East (one of the customary founders) says there is nothing in Wd-40 that would hurt you... When you read the 'shower door' part, try it. It's the first thing that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it works just as well as glass. It's a miracle! Then try it on your stove top. Viola!

Wd-40 is a very marvelous product with over 2000 handy uses: Here are eleven I bet you never knew:

Removes crayon from rug (be sure to test Wd-40 on low visibility area of rug before using) Removes coffee stains from floor tiles (be sure to wipe floor clean after using Wd-40) Removes marks from floors left by chair feet (be sure to wipe floor clean after using Wd-40) Removes adhesive price tags from shoe bottoms Cleans black streaks from hardwood floors (be sure to wipe floor clean after using Wd-40) Removes paint from tile flooring (be sure to wipe floor clean after using Wd-40) Removes rust stains from floors after mopping (be sure to wipe floor clean after using Wd-40) Removes mascara from tile floors and mirrors (be sure to wipe floor clean after using Wd-40) Removes felt pen marks from floors (be sure to wipe floor clean after using Wd-40) Removes sticker residue from clothes (be sure to test Wd-40 on low-visibility area of garment before using) Removes permanent ink from most items

Wd-40 has a great 50 year history

In 1953, a fledgling enterprise called Rocket Chemical enterprise and its staff of three set out to generate a line of rust-prevention solvents and degreasers for use in the aerospace industry, in a small lab in San Diego, California. Water Displacement # 40 worked! History is made and innovation is rewarded! A great potential that represents what these here United States of America is all about.

The Wd-40 Fan Club is an outstanding example of Internet Marketing and creating an online community.

Wd-40 is 21st century!

Wd has its own social Network! That is right; Wd-40 the enterprise named for the product has a Fan Club Page, is on Twitter, Facebook, and has their own You Tube channel. The Fan Club page has groups to join, contributors, contests and necessary tips that can heighten day to day life for everyone. Well everyone with some Wd-40 and everyone that is connected through social Media.

Are you 21st Century?

When you check out the Wd-40 cornucopia of web pages, web logs, social media performance and excited participating customers all sharing information, you need to think about this in 2 ways. (Of procedure besides the fun of learning to use Wd-40.)

How can you replicate this format for your own business?

You need a communication hub. You need connections to all social media locations. You need a great story about yourself and your product or service. You need to be accessible for two-way communication with everyone that finds what you are contribution of interest.

If you do not consider the cost of good content, you can pretty much faultless the technical infrastructure for under 200 bucks. As always creativity is the hard part but there are ways to learn to make it easier.

How can you take part in these social media opportunities to make a name for your business?

Be proactive in communities like the Wd-40, participate with people who actively share information each other. Become an scholar on your product; be recognized for sharing helpful information. Consider creating a social society of your own that inspires people to participate. everyone has a story to share or a tip to give out. Wd-40 is an example of what you can participate in as well as blue print for how you can be flourishing in social Media. You get to learn how people think, what their feeling, where they live, how you can join together with them, who they enjoy networking with and why! How much do you pay for this information now? Participation is free and the return, if you effect the Golden Rules, will be remarkable!

6 ideas to share in networks to inspire, work on and move people to action.

Share articles that you know people in your network would find interesting. Share photographs, events and milestones of your enterprise as you celebrate them and show your human-ness. Share and promote your favorite charities that are connected to your industry. Share testimonials, tips and successes and awards from your product and services. Share information, studies, results and commerce reports showing you are on the cutting edge of your industry. Share Humor, make them laugh.

Final Tip: remember the next time you go fishing, be sure to spray your line and bait with Wd-40, I am told it has helped land some pretty big fish!

What Is So wonderful About Wd-40?

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