Thursday, July 5, 2012

Considerations For Owning a Self-Service Carwash enterprise

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Owning and operating self serve and self serve self-acting carwashes, can be profitable and enjoyable as well as a good investment. However, there are some factors that need to be determined to maximize your return as well as control your wash efficiently. The following are major considerations when you are planning to invest in the car wash business.

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How is Considerations For Owning a Self-Service Carwash enterprise

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What Location should I chose?

Like real-estate and retail, location is indispensable for maximizing profits. Having a carwash out in the middle of nowhere obviously will result in low traffic. You want to be located in high traffic residential areas near retail centers. The ideal location is a angle lot where the carwash is actually accessible from east-west traffic and north-south traffic. The streets should have 30-35 mile per hour speed limits. Often times, a location can be cut off from traffic on the opposite side of the street. A potential buyer who has to drive a block past your place and make a u-turn to get to your carwash may opt to find a separate wash.

You also need to study all known time to come changes in the location. Are there any changes to traffic flows, is a major retail store leaving (or coming), and are there any potential changes in local zoning laws or ordinances. Are there any potential road building projects that could work on traffic?

The property should be large sufficient to accommodate the size wash you want to build as well as have sufficient room for some vehicles to wait in line safely. City or local ordinances may apply as well. Avoid industrial areas.

What Carwash equipment should I Buy?

Choosing a low maintenance high dependable carwash system is highly leading for generating earnings and retention your costs down. A carwash that breaks down often will lose customers and drive your operating cost through the roof. A carwash that does not effectively clean the vehicle will lose traffic. There are many types and styles of carwash systems, but the two most leading considerations are 1- good cleaning ability, 2. Reliability. One should do a fair whole of study when choosing the equipment, getting references and field data will be helpful in production your best choice.

Make sure that there is a local dealer or jobber that is fine to assistance your equipment. Having man available for fast assistance or repair is a must for maintaining a continuously open carwash.

How Much Time to Invest?

One needs to be ready to do daily maintenance, cleaning and inspection regardless of type and make of equipment. retention your carwash clean and consuming seeing will keep customers arrival back to your car wash. Conversely, dirty, run down carwash will turn away a lot of potential clients. One needs to voice the coin machines regularly, and keep chemicals and other items in supply. It is not unreasonable to expect to spend 2-3 hours every day at a 4 stall carwash; you should assume some part time help on the weekends as well. There is also scheduled maintenenance that needs to be done. Changing oil in pumps and replacing filters are a integrate of examples of maintenance action that needs be done a few times per year. Maintenance intervals will depend on equipment and whole of traffic, your carwash builder will supply you with the recommended maintenance intervals.

One should not expect to do equipment overhauls or part replacements in the first year of operation, but any one in it for the long haul should be ready for equipment updates and overhauls periodically. Having a local distributor/ dealer will be very leading for retention your carwash operational.

Having a good prophylactic maintenance system will go along way to ensuring maximum profitability and buyer satisfaction.

How should my carwash be configured?

The more options your carwash has and the larger collection of vehicles that you can handle, the more traffic you will get. One should probably have 2-3 self assistance "manual" stalls with a stall equipped with an self-acting system. Many customers prefer the do-it- yourself system.

Your self-acting system should also offer some options, allowing a lower cost "quicker clean" and a higher end clean with wax options will attract the most customers. Make sure you don't compete with your do it yourself stalls on the low end, nor with the "high end" full assistance carwash down the road.

Most new carwash systems can cope the larger Suv and trucks, but one should make sure that your self-acting carwash system can cope a collection of vehicles.

What kind of Traffic Can I Assume?

Traffic will vary greatly depending on location, season of the year, day of the week and even time of the day. In the Upper Midwest, November through February gets much heavier traffic than the other months because the cars get dirtier faster in the winter. One should expect 20% to 30% more traffic while these peak months than the off months.

The weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) are the busiest days of the week and you may need supplementary help to administrate your carwash while this time. Car wash traffic will drop off when the sun goes down, so you can expect higher levels of traffic in the 9:00 am to early evening times.

One evaluation of whole of vehicles washed while a day would be 20 to 40 cars on a week day and 50 to 70 cars on a week end day. This of procedure can vary greatly based on location, car wash configuration and seasons of the year and of procedure weather.

How Much Can I Charge?

Rates do vary depending on area of the country and local competition. For example some car washes on the West Coast have a greater start up cost than car washes in the Midwest. To make sure that you are contentious be sure to check out your local competition to explain your start up time.

Adding vending machines can also growth revenue. Wiping towels, car cleaning supplies and fragrances are some options for your vending machine.

What are My Operational Costs?

Taxes, property and installation costs, interest on loans, supplies such as chemicals, equipment maintenance and upgrade costs along with part time help for weekends and peak times need to be investigated before starting a carwash business. You should be ready to pay an attendant 8-16 hours per week for weekend coverage.

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