Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Great task for Kids of Any Age - Make a Catapult

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Build, Play, and learn

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How is A Great task for Kids of Any Age - Make a Catapult

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Catapult making is first of all a great hands-on craft type project. And it is scalable because there are great projects suitable for children from ages 5 to 25. I will go over some of these task ideas by age group. Secondly there is the play aspect to a catapult. Once it is completed it does something. It is not a static project. You can use it to create games or to send safe projectiles across the room or yard. Thirdly it is a learning project. You can admittedly leverage it into a learning process that explores the basics of engineering or that delves into the history of the Middle Ages and siege engines.

Three dissimilar projects depending on age and skill level

For younger children a Popsicle stick catapult is a excellent task to make. It is small, easy to manage, and uses materials that children are well-known with. Seven sticks, a small piece of paper, a rubber band, and some masking tape are all that you need. You can then progress this task into any range of tabletop games where children compete by sending small paper balls into or at discrete targets while keeping score.

A great mid-level project, which takes a bit of woodworking, is a tabletop sized catapult. A task like this takes an assortment of wood pieces, some sturdy rubber bands, and the axle from an old toy car. It also takes some wood glue or screws and nails. This type of task is very rewarding and I advise it for children over the age of ten. It is also a task that will take most of a Saturday to make. But by the end of the day you should be firing it off.

For older kids in the teenager range and above you could admittedly take your task making to a weekend maker type task and make a catapult that is as much as three to six feet in size. This kind of task can be done with any range of materials fluctuating from wood to Pvc piping. With a task like this you could also delve a bit into some of the law of engineering.

Making a catapult with a child is very rewarding because it covers so many dissimilar creative areas. It is first of all a great hands-on type task with the added dimension of doing something when it is completed. This makes it a great creative toy where you can think up lots of exiguous games you can use it for. Finally, catapult making is a great way to introduce engineering skills and history lessons to a child. And this kind of a task is perfectly scalable in that you can tailor the type of task to the age of the child. You also get the bonus of it being a fun task for you too. Go ahead and have some fun!

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