Monday, July 9, 2012

beginning a Coffee enterprise

Small Business Saturday - beginning a Coffee enterprise
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Do you know about - beginning a Coffee enterprise

Small Business Saturday! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If you are considering opportunity a coffee shop, coffee store, espresso bar, or starting a coffee company (I use all these terms interchangeably), then there are multiple factors to consider, and details to attend to, in order to maximize your chances for success. In this article I'll be concentrating on how to manufacture your idea into an operating business. How to position your company for success before you ever open your doors. I will address how to run that company and achieve profitability in an upcoming article.

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How is beginning a Coffee enterprise

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Small Business Saturday.

Most habitancy begin planning their new coffee company based upon their "dream," what they would ideally like to own. While this is a general tendency, it may not be the most frugal way to start. Much time and vigor can be wasted working on "your plan," when in reality, you may not be able to afford what you desire.

As a consultant, I've seen this happen many times over the past 19 years. Often, new entrepreneurs get swept away by their dream, and end up over-extending themselves financially, only to run out of money before they can open their doors for business. Those who do conduct to get open are typically left with little or no operating capital. Because few businesses open on Monday and are profitable on Tuesday, having enough operating capital will be valuable to pay your bills, employees, and yourself, until the company can originate some profit.

How much capital can you raise?

Unless you have substantial personal capital to invest, you would be wise to begin your planning process by taking a trip to see your banker. Discuss the possibility of borrowing money to help fund your time to come business. Understand that lending institutions typically don't like to loan on food aid businesses due to their high failure rate (95%). They are even less enthusiastic if it is your first business.

You will normally have to be willing (and able) to spend a good quantum of the required money personally; typically 50% or more of the scheme cost, before the bank will even consider lending whatever to you. Be aware that many times bankers may make it sound as if financing will be no problem while this preliminary inquiry, but when you come back to precisely get the loan, their demeanor may convert as if the first meeting had never occurred.

For this reason, when you first meet with them, let them know you want honest answers, and that you will be basing your company concept, planning, and assumptions upon what they are realistically willing to lend you.

What will it cost?

Because I have done financial projections for hundreds of coffee businesses, I can confidently supply you with a realistic range of costs for different coffee concepts. When determining the potential cost, many factors must be taken into notice beyond the expenses for equipment, fixtures, furnishings, and undertaker of a package deal labor.

There will be expenses for pro services (lawyer, accountant, consultant, space designer, etc.), permits and inspections, small wares, starting inventory, marketing, pre-opening labor, etc. You'll also need to set aside operating capital to pay bills, your employees, and yourself, until the company can become profitable. A good rule of thumb is to set aside 1/3 of the funds you have to work with as operating capital, and the remaining 2/3rds will be what you precisely have to plan and open the company with. So, taking all of these factors into consideration, here are some typical costs (U.S. Dollars):

Espresso Bar/Coffee Shop: 0,000 to 0,000+

Espresso Drive-Thru: 0,000 to 0,000+

Espresso Kiosk: ,000 to 0,000+

Espresso Cart: ,000 to ,000+

Understand that there is not a direct association in the middle of the cost of a concept, and the revenue it might potentially produce. One of the most lucrative operations I had ever seen was an espresso-cart that was placed in the lobby of a large hospital in a metropolitan area. This company was generating over 1,000 transactions per day, and I estimated that annual sales must have been over 1.2 million dollars, with a lowest line profit probably falling in the middle of 0,000 and 0,000.

Creating a company Plan

When you conclude which belief you can afford and would like to develop, the next step will be to originate a well belief out, detailed company plan. It is while this company planning process that you will begin to conclude the menu items you'll serve, and the other company features you desire to include. Your company plan should consist of 2-parts, a presentation portion, and a financial portion.

A presentation plan should be 10 to 15 pages in length, and characterize such things as the type of company you intend to originate (caf, drive-thru, cart, etc.), what you will be serving (sample menu), who your customers will be, the state of the industry, why consumers will pick you over your competitors, how you'll store your business, and any experience you possess that might lead to your success.

This plan should contain high quality graphics, and must look professional! If your company plan doesn't look professional, then why would whatever who is finding at it assume that whatever else you do, will be done in a pro manner?

The second part of the company plan is the financial projections. This should contain detailed data about start-up costs, pro services, and 3 years of projected company performance.

To evaluation potential time to come company performance, you will need to scheme an mean purchase per customer, and the number of startling customers that will visit your company each day, showing increase month by month and then eventually topping-out. You will need to evaluation a realistic cost of goods for your menu, and all your other operational expenses. From this info, monthly financial projections can be created to conclude the potential loss or profit that should be startling from the business. It will be valuable to set aside a capital hold to cover any projected monthly losses, so that your company can keep operating as you strive for profitability. Being under-capitalized is the number-one calculate I've seen habitancy fail in this business!

It will be while this financial planning process, that you will conclude whether all the items and features that you plan on along with will be potential with the capital you have available. If you conclude to eliminate menu items or features due to budgetary constraints, be sure to analyze the financial impact of eliminating those items before doing so.

Your financial plan should be combined with the presentation plan for distribution to potential lenders and investors. Asset managers or leasing agents should only be given the presentation plan. There is no need to show Asset managers your financial projections, and doing so would probably not be advantageous to you when negotiating a lease.

Securing your financing

After your company plan has been completed, it will be time to revisit your banker to gather your financing. You don't want to precisely execute the loan at this point in time, but you do want to get a written commitment for funding. Try to buildings the loan as a line of credit if you can, in this way you can draw the money as it is needed, as opposed to taking out the whole loan up front, and having to make payments on the full amount.

Your banker may be hesitant to approve the loan at this time, because you won't be able to tell them where your company will be placed yet, and "location" will be an prominent factor contributing to your potential success. If this is the case, see if they will be willing to give you conditional pre-approval, with final approval being dependent upon their acceptance of the location(s) you are considering. You will want to make sure that you have secured the funds valuable to manufacture your project, before you sign a lease on a location!

Finding a location

When you have your financing arranged, then and only then will you be ready to look for a location for your business. Keep in mind that coffee is typically an impulse buy. This means you need to find a location where a large number of habitancy work, reside, or pass by on a daily basis. Locations adjacent to or in large office buildings, hospitals, college campuses, market or company parks, airports, commuter train stations, performing arts centers, sports stadiums, large resorts, shopping malls, and condominium complexes, can all be prime!

Your location should also be extremely visible, and easy to access. If your company isn't extremely visible, if its hard to find or tucked away in the back of a shopping center, then consumers might not see it. If they don't know you exist, then they won't come into your store to purchase your products. Equally prominent is ease of access. If consumers can see your business, but it is difficult to get to, or has no parking, then once again, little sales will result.

Negotiating an advantageous lease

A great location with a bad lease is not a great location! You may find a truly great location, but if the lease rate and terms are not conducive to your financial model, then according to that lease may predestine your company to fail.

The challenge becomes disconnecting your feelings from the process, so that you will make decisions based upon good company sense, and not emotions. Insight how the lease rate and terms might influence your chances for success is critical. In many cases, break-even monthly company volume will occur around 10 to 15 times the monthly lease rate. Therefore, paying ,000 a month for a space may require ,000 to ,000 a month in sales to debt aid the business. ,000 a month may require ,000 to ,000 in sales.

Divide the projected monthly sales that might be needed by 30, and you will see what will be required in sales each day. Divide that daily sales number by your projected mean buyer transactions, and you'll now understand how many customers you must attract daily. This is a valuable number for you to understand and consider as you plump a potential location. If the rent factor on a location you are considering will require 500 buyer transactions per day to originate the valuable revenue to debt aid your business, you won't want to accept a location that only has the potential to originate 300 transactions!

A location's potential to attract customers needs to be thought about in order to understand if the location and lease number will make sense. In other words, a location that cost ,000 a month to lease, might make sense if it will originate 1,000 transactions per day. Conversely, a location that only costs ,000 a month to lease may not make sense if it only has the potential to attract 50 customers a day!

The terms of the lease can be as prominent as the rate. Most market leases are structured as a 5-year commitment, with an choice to renew for 5 more. If your lender will allow, you may want to try to buildings the first term of the lease into smaller time increments, with Your choice to renew.

You'll always want to gather the choice to renew your lease for a second 5-year term. I advise my clients to not even consider a 5-year lease without an choice to renew for 5 more. If you do not have a renovation option, two unpleasant things might happen when your lease expires. First, if you have industrialized a thriving business, and do not have the rate pre negotiated beyond the first lease period, I can approximately warrant that your lease rate will go up after that first term has expired; maybe significantly. Second, and worse yet, the Asset boss may conclude to not grant you other term. In this case, you may have to close or move your business.

One final belief on lease negotiations: never sign a lease without having your pro team (attorney, accountant, consultant, etc.) characterize it first.

Design, Layout, and tool Selection

As soon as you have a signed lease on a space for your coffee business, developing building plans for bureaucratic approval will come next. Warning: do not spend any money on a space designer until you do have a signed lease!

The manufacture stage will be where the physical means and procedures required to prepare your menu items will be thought about and developed. It is also when the other company features you desire to contain need to be taken into consideration, and worked into the design.

You'll need to start manufacture decisions about the tool you will purchase at this time as well. As plans are created for your time to come coffee shop, tool and fixtures will have to be included on those plans, and specified by builder and model number. Knowing which tool you will be using will be valuable to the manufacture process, because tool dimensions, and electrical and plumbing requirements will all need to be known, before a space manufacture can be completed.

When your plans have been stylish by the bureaucracy, you should then put out your list of needed tool out for bid with any coffee and food aid tool companies. When you find the associates you want to purchase from, ask as to the lead time required for delivery, and place your order coordinating the arrival of your tool to coincide with the completion of construction. Some tool may take as long as six weeks to receive, so be sure to place your order early enough to insure for timely delivery and installation, before you begin worker training.

While I do not have the space within this article to go into all the factors connected with good manufacture and its' importance, check out my Ezine article, "How to manufacture and Layout a Coffee Shop or Espresso Bar" for detailed information.

Obtaining Bureaucratic Approval and choosing Your Contractor

Once you, your coffee shop space designer and architect have come to a consensus on a manufacture and layout, you will need to submit your proposed remodeling drawings to the acceptable local bureaucracies for approval. Upon receiving approval, also gather and purchase your building permit.

At this same time, you should be distributing sets of your plans to a number of reputable, local building companies, or general contractors, to gather some bids for your project's needed construction. You'll want to plump contractors who are large enough to have reliable network of subcontractors for such things as electrical, plumbing, flooring, Hvac, and convention cabinetry. An established firm will have associations with these other building professionals, saving you the hassle of trying to find and qualify them on your own.

Finding a undertaker of a package deal with former experience in building or remodeling market food aid businesses can also be a real advantage. There are many special requirements and building techniques that need to be understood when working on a market food aid business. Someone with experience in these matters will have a greater idea of what's involved, and will be less likely to make precious and timely mistakes.

The final decision about the undertaker of a package deal you will use should be based upon a composition of factors, including: price, past experience, availability, references, a physical inspection of other work they've done, their network of subcontractors, etc. Be sure that the general undertaker of a package deal you plump is licensed, insured &/or bonded, and will deal with all needed permits and inspections.

Finalizing Your Menu, goods and seller Selections, and Creating your Office

If you are remodeling an existing space for your time to come coffee business, the process will typically take about 6 to 8 weeks once building has begun. while this duration you will have a lot of things to decide, create, and complete prior to your company opening, so don't waste this time!

While menu planning precisely began way back with the first thoughts of your business, and industrialized through the company planning and manufacture phase, now is when you must solidify all of your menu offerings on paper, with descriptions and prices, so that a sign company can be contracted to originate your menu boards. It may take a sign company a month or more to manufacture your menu boards, so start early, you must have menu boards to open for business!

As you originate your menu offerings, you will also need to originate recipes for each item, and from those recipes calculate your exact cost for each, (once you have products prices from all your time to come purveyors). This will be valuable data for menu pricing, and for monitoring actual monthly food yield execution against an "ideal."

The prices you ask for your menu items must be a calculation in the middle of what competitors in your store are charging, and what the actual cost of the item will be, based upon your recipes and the cost of the ingredients you will use. If you under-price your menu items, your cost of goods will be high, and profitability will be difficult to achieve. If you set your prices too high, you'll leave consumers with options and justification to look for places with lower-priced products.

Next, you will need to conclude the vendors you will be purchasing your products from, and open an account with each of them. originate order sheets for each one of your time to come suppliers, listing all the products you will be purchasing from them, along with other prominent info like the case/pack size, and current price. This paper tool will be valuable for analyzing the number of each item you are using weekly, and will allow you to order to meet startling needs.

Beyond paper controls for ordering, you'll need to manufacture tools for receiving product, recording seller purchases and payments, recording sales, taking month-end inventories, budgeting and recording labor, creating month-end financial statements, just to name a few. You will want to have all your office forms and systems industrialized before you open for business. It will be difficult to find the time to manufacture these things if you wait until after you open.

Interviewing, Hiring, and Training Employees

When you get to about 3-weeks prior to your projected opportunity date, you will need to place "help wanted" ads, interview, hire, and train your employees.

Determine your tentative staffing needs by defining how many employees will be required to staff your store at assorted levels of company volume. For example, on a busy morning you may require 2-cashiers, 2-baristas, a Someone to bus tables, and maybe a cook if you are serving made-to-order food. But, while a slow afternoon period, you may only require a cashier and barista, or maybe Someone who can take on both functions.

While there will be no way to know exactly how many habitancy might be needed until you precisely open for business, the key is to hire enough habitancy to cover any potential staffing needs. You (the owner) want to avoid having to take on an hourly-employee job function, because you are under-staffed. always remember, you need to be the "captain of your ship," and not the "deckhand!"

As you hire individuals, write down when they are available to work on a piece of agenda paper, along with info such as how many hours a week they are willing to work. When you cease a day of interviewing and hiring, you can see how close you are to being fully staffed by trying to piece together an worker agenda with the habitancy you have hired thus far. If you can't fill all the shifts shown on your schedule, you'll need to keep hiring habitancy until you can. When you have hired enough employees to cover all the shifts on your weekly schedule, hire about 25% more employees.

It is not uncommon to have one of your new-hires not show up for the very first day of training! And undoubtedly, it will become all too apparent that some of the other habitancy you hired may not work out as well. Take it from me, you are much great off to have a few more habitancy than you precisely need, than to find yourself a few short. If you don't have extra employees, and one leaves, or you have to let one go, guess who gets to work their shift? You do! And, there will be no relief from that accountability until your interview, hire, and train a replacement. So my advise, over hire by 25%!

About 3 or 4 days before you open, you will need to bring in (and pay) all your employees for any days of education and training. You would be wise to break down your training into different components, and to originate a training checklist for each. This will allow you to systematically teach your current and time to come employees the same knowledge and skills each time, and will ensure that you are outside all things they need to know. Training checklists might cover the following areas:

• general company philosophy and policies/job descriptions

• Safety, sanitation, and security

• buyer aid principals and procedures

• Suggestive selling, up-selling, and promoting

• Cash register operations/policies

• Espresso discharge and milk steaming fundamentals

• Hot drink preparation (including brewed coffee, tea, etc.)

• Iced and blended drink preparation

• Food preparation and service

• "Front of the House" Maintenance

• Insight the retail merchandise we have for sale

• Dish washing, tool maintenance, and end of day cleaning

Once your employees have had a opportunity to get some convention at their craft, split your employees into a incorporate of groups, and conduct a mock aid by having one group work behind the counter, and the other group act as customers. They should take turns playing "customers" and "workers," and convention taking orders, ringing them up on the cash register (in a convention mode), and manufacture the beverages.

Last little Tasks

You will need to place all opportunity orders for consumable products, and coordinate the delivery of most items, to occur within 3 to 5 days before your opportunity (but after your final condition inspection prior to opening).

You will probably find yourself with a few days in the middle of when you cease hiring your new employees, and when their training will begin. Ask your new employees if they would be willing to come in and work (you will pay them) to help clean and ready the place for opening. When building has been completed, a acceptable cleaning of the whole store will be necessary. Counter tops, inside cabinets, floors, light fixtures and windows will all have to be cleaned to take off building dust and residues. Also, storehouse racks may need to be set up, furniture assembled, refrigerators wiped out, and tool turned-on, tested, and calibrated. Arriving food and paper products will need to be opened and stored in their permissible places. New food storehouse containers, coffee bar tools, and other small wares will need to be washed before they can be used. Use your new employees to help with all of these tasks, and you will save yourself from valuable anxiety and dirty work!

Make sure you and your undertaker of a package deal characterize a list of all needed final inspections, permits, and licenses, and agenda the completion of all of those to conclude when you might be ready to open to the public.

Finally, think about holding an invitational grand opening, an evening or two before you will open to the public. You'll want to send out invitations about 10 to 7 days before the event. Invite your friends and family, the contractors who did the work, the owners of surrounding businesses, the accommodation of commerce, the local newspaper and television station, the police chief, the mayor, etc.

A Friday or Saturday tend to be good days to hold this event. Make it an open house, say: "drop by anytime in the middle of 4Pm & 8Pm for free menu sampling." You won't want every person to arrive at the same time since your employees will still be fairly new in manufacture drinks and servicing customers. Cut up cookies, dessert bars, desserts, and panini, into bite-size pieces, and place them on serving trays around the dining room. Welcome guests when they arrive, and instruct them to order any beverage off the menu that they would like, and to help themselves to your food samples.

As the owner, this is a valuable opportunity for you to network with potential time to come customers, and prominent individuals from your society that might be able to help spread the word about your new business. This is also a great opportunity for your employees to get some hands on experience, with some brisk intervals of business, which will great prepare them for when you open to the public. Your guests will be forgiving if it takes a little longer than startling for their beverages to be made, because it's all free! Make sure each guest is given a take home menu and a coupon for a free drink before they leave. You should be able to turn some of these first night guests into your first quarterly customers.

Your opportunity Day

With your opportunity to the social just around the corner, be sure that all the final details have been attended to. Do you have convert for your cash register drawers, and a back up convert bank? Do your employees all know when they are working, and do they have a copy of their schedule? Have you placed a bakery order to be delivered on the morning of your opening?

If you will be working with a computerized cash register system, and its' execution is new to you, it might be wise to pay for on-site aid for the first day you're open. If employees have questions, or get bogged down while a transaction, having Someone there to tell them what to do can be invaluable.

When you ultimately open, realize the first two weeks will be the most difficult, and the most important. You'll need to spend approximately every hour you are open for business, for the first 7 to 10 days, standing in the middle of you cashier and barista, listening to all things they say, and watching all things they do.

You job is to supply them with intense, relentless, detailed instruction, and to help them when necessary. You will want to make sure your cashier is following your buyer aid and suggestive selling protocols, and that they are handling cash and manufacture convert correctly. And, you'll need to supervise your barista to make sure they are following all the procedures valuable to yield perfect beverages, and that they manufacture a sense of urgency to do that in an sufficient and time-effective manner.

New employees are malleable, so it is prominent to refine and definite all things they do over the first week(s). If they learn good habits to begin with, then with minimal management, they will continue to hire those habits, because it's the only way they were taught. But, if they are left alone, with minimal or no management for the first week or two, then they will precisely manufacture their own habits, and those might be less than desirable, and prove difficult to change.

Your first week of company will be a time of excitement, and apprehension. You will look forward, dreaming about your businesses' potential, yet face challenges as you refine your operation, deal with worker issues, and conclude in to the day to day routines and disciplines required to run a thriving store.

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