Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Internet Marketer - The One Thing You Need To originate Passive wage and Earn Money Online - Pt 1

It is the holy grail of the internet marketer - originate a passive wage and earn money online. Yet it is a fact that 99% of all new internet marketers never earn a cent through their online endeavors. So, what is it that differentiates the 1% who do earn money online and build themselves a passive income?

If you are reading this record then you have seen all the promises about manufacture money on the internet. Make 0 a day by clicking on your mouse just 12 times! Website already set up for you! All you need to do is bank the money! Blog your way to dollars without any effort! Point and click your way to internet riches! Copy and paste my campaigns and make a six frame wage in two hours a day! If, like me, you have purchased some, or many, of these products, then you know that the ability varies wildly. Some have useful information that you could probably have found elsewhere but still saved you time and educated you. Fair enough. Others are just shoddy eBooks that promote the owner's own products and tell you to make money by promoting the goods you just bought. Some are outright scams. Like one modern goods with a big inaugurate which promised massive, server breaking traffic in just days. Basically, it was just a glorified record submitter.

Again, we ask, what is it that allows the flourishing 1% of internet marketers to earn a passive wage online? I will give you the riposte in this paragraph. Can you find it? think the average, fledgling internet marketer spending his week working on his fledgling internet business.

Monday: Spent two hours manufacture a few ads for Facebook and plentifulness of Fish. 0 spent. 135 click throughs. Nil Sales. Ouch. Did some investigate on autoresponders. They say the money is in the list. How do I build a list?

Tuesday: Spent all day writing articles for affiliate sites and submitting them to discrete sites for approval.

Wednesday: Checked out new goods that promises to originate simple squeeze pages that will drive thousands of targeted buyers to my list and earn untold riches. Hmmm... Squeeze pages are harder than I thought. Domains? Hosting? Opt-ins? Html? Php? Re-directs?Actual squeeze pages created = zero.

Thursday: Went to four distinct blog hosting sites to originate my blog. genuinely succeeded in creating my blog at! It looks so sad with only my one short post request citizen to buy goods xyz because I suggest it. Wonder if any person will read my blog? Am I interesting?

Friday: Went to Squidoo and spent a few hours setting up a lens. It looks quite pretty. They tell me you can set up a Squidoo lens in fifteen minutes. I must be dumb.

Saturday: Spent all day trying to set up a shop on eBay. Checked nearby eBay and decided I should check nearby again later. What am I supposed to do with my shop when I get it set up?

Sunday: Spent some time checking out ClickBank, Paydotcom and Shareasale. Lots of products but how do I know which one to choose? Keyword research? Alexa ranking? Competition? Gravity? Didn't Isaac Newton witness that?

Monday: My record was rejected for too much self promotion and improper use of url.:-( Checked out my Squidoo lens. It is ranked 294,376. I wonder if that is good?

Total money earned for the week roughly equals zero.

Did you find the one crucial thing this internet marketer is missing?

The internet is full of dazzling possibilities. There are so many ways to do so many things. Some work and some don't. So much money is sloshing nearby on the internet everyday! Mind boggling money. Just ask Google. Try not to be shocked, but sometimes the internet gives false or misleading information! It is easy to get lost in the information overload that is available, especially in the field of the internet marketer. So many promises, so many options to explore. Each more seductive than those previous seductive offers that you tried.

So, for the internet marketer, what is the one crucial thing you must have to succeed, originate a passive wage and earn money online?

You must have a plan.

A step by step, day by day, week by week, plan that will allow you to set up the base of your firm and build upon it each day. Each week. Each month. You must have a plan that guides you from where you are now, to where you want to be in six months and one year's time. A plan with actions for you to take on a daily and weekly basis that add to the previous actions you have already taken. You need a plan which has already worked successfully for others. A plan that is learnable and presented in bite size chunks of small, do-able flourishing actions. It is in the flourishing doing of small, purposeful actions which build upon each other, that success is built. Think about it. If each of your small actions is flourishing and focused, then purely by logic, the accumulation of these small successes must bring about greater success.

As Wallace D. Wattles says in his supreme book The Science of Getting Rich: There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are inevitable laws which govern the process of acquiring riches; once these laws are learned and obeyed by any man, he will get rich with mathematical certainty. The possession of money and asset comes as a result of doing things in a inevitable way. It is a natural law that like causes all the time furnish like effects; and, therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this inevitable way will infallibly get rich.

You must have a plan.

Without a plan 99% of internet marketers flounder nearby in the ocean of internet information and never make a cent online. For a step by step, day by day plan which has worked for me, click on the link in my bio box. result the steps. Join the 1%.

You must have a plan.

Remember that kindness is more leading than wisdom.

link The Internet Marketer - The One Thing You Need To originate Passive wage and Earn Money Online - Pt 1 link

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