Tuesday, September 4, 2012

provocative Can influence the Kids - How to Help Them Adjust

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Small Business Saturday Facebook! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Many years ago we moved to a new state. It was good occupation move for my husband. It also took us to a larger, more progressive city which was full of new and added opportunities for our family. Now that we own a personal property inventory business, we meet a lot of population who are moving. Quite often they discuss their hesitation about uprooting the kids.

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How is provocative Can influence the Kids - How to Help Them Adjust

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Small Business Saturday Facebook.

We didn't take this decision lightly because our sons were just finishing 7th and 8th grades. Most population will agree those are difficult years, so we included them in the decision-making process. We asked their opinion, listened to their concerns and encouraged them to think the good as well as the not-so-good.

So, my first recommendation in helping the kids adjust is to keep them involved. From the moment you start talking about it until the decision is made, include them. Even the very young can have fears and excitement. Give them a ease level to feel Ok about stating their fears and their hesitation to move.

There are also many other things you can do to prepare. Ask them:

- What size of school they want to attend - small, large, underground (if funds allow).

- If they want a school known for athletics, band, choir - anything their interests are.

- If they prefer living in the city, in a suburb or out in the country.

- What type of house they'd like to live in.

- If you have time, take them with you when you go house-hunting and involve them in the decision-making.

Though not every person will agree, you can find something to meet each person's wishes. At the very least, you will have a starting point for negotiations. Both of our sons played sports and were in the high schoraly classrooms. They wanted to continue to be challenged and also have a good sports program. This data helped us seek a school theory they would fit in quite well and have their interests fulfilled.

They also need to be complex with the engaging process itself. This is a good time to inventory your belongings if you don't already have this document. Set up an inventory day and let them help. Depending on their age, they can take photos and also write down the items. Especially let them inventory their own room. As much as economically feasible, let them discard items they don't want any more. And also be aware they will want to hold on to some things you would prefer they throw away. These will be a part of their current life, so they will want to hold on to some special items.

When it's time to pack, make it a set time and do it together. It's a good opportunity to discuss their belongings as they pack them up, as it will encourage them to talk about "I remember when..." This will help the adjust, knowing they are still allowed to talk about their current city, home and friends. Assure them they aren't abandoning their current friends. Depending on their age, remind them they are as close as a Facebook page, Twitter or a text message.

Make plans so they know there are new things to look send to:

- As a family, plan one Saturday a month to be tourists in your new city.

- Allow them to choose the colors of their new rooms, and even some of the decorating.

- include them in the color choices for the other rooms in the home. This tells them the entire house is theirs, not just their bedroom.

Moving can want an adjustment for many children. engaging them will ease the fear, calm the nerves and help them look send to it as a new adventure.

Our move took place more than 20 years ago. The boys did well in school and enjoyed their new home and new school in their new city in their new state. I believe to this day that the process we went through laid the firm foundation for them to adjust swiftly and quite smoothly.

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