Friday, August 31, 2012

50 Marketing Masterpieces

Small Business Saturday Facebook - 50 Marketing Masterpieces The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination 50 Marketing Masterpieces. And the content related to Small Business Saturday Facebook.

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Small Business Saturday Facebook! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

[1] Mission Statement, Core Message, Purpose, Elevator Speech:

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How is 50 Marketing Masterpieces

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Small Business Saturday Facebook.

Make sure you have a Mission Statement which should be 1 to 3 sentences and clearly states what you do best to bring value and benefits to your Customers. Then make sure that you and your Employees know it as well as their own Name. Then, broadcast it on every piece of your Promotional and Advertising material.

[2] Unique Selling Proposition (Usp):

This is different than your Mission Statement because you resolve what sets you apart from your Competition. It could be your Guarantee, your reputation for giving back to your manufactures or Community, how long you've held your Pricing while still adding Value, your free Shipping or your Lifetime exchange or Warranty, etc. Again, broadcast it to the World on every price of Printed material and Electronic communication.

[3] furnish an Exceptional Experience:

One of Disney's great philosophies was to do what you do so well that everyone that experiences it will want to come back and they will bring a friend. If your Sales and customer aid to your Prospects and Customers have that same Goal, your reputation will dominate your Industry.

[4] caress List:

Always be looking for ways to add Prospects and Customers to your caress or Mailing List. You should offer them Something of Value to get them to Subscribe such as a Free Report, Free E-Book and/or a series of weekly or monthly Tips, etc.

[5] describe with your Prospects and Clients:

At least once a month, be in caress with your Clients and Prospects any way Do Not constantly bombard them with purchase offers. Instead, include items which will benefit or at least Interest them such as Success Stories or Tips they can use to build their Business. This might be a Phone Call, Email, Fax, a Flyer or Postcard or Letter you mail or even a personal Visit. Many associates believe consistent Communications furnish the best Roi (return on investment) possible.

[6] Thank people Leaving you:

When I get someone who wants to opt out of our Mailing List, I send them a Confirmation eMail that is entitled "Here are your Good Bye Gifts" and includes several Links to some principal Free Interviews, Articles and Ebooks. After receiving a take off ask and sending out our "Good Bye" Email, here is what I recently received back from a Subscriber;

"Thanks! fantastic Marketing! I have canceled probably 40 Lists that I am on due to traveling. You are the Only one to do something like this. I will re-sign for your Newsletter when I return to the U.S."

[7] A calculate Why:

There are many Rules for writing a great Ad, Marketing piece or a persuasive Sales Script any way always give them a calculate Why they should make a decision to take activity in some way. always appreciate that your Prospects and/or Customers want to know "What's In It For Me" and why should I do it Now rather than procrastinate.

[8] A benefit overview is Beneficial:

Every good Presentation or Story in an Ad or industrial or Sales Presentation should end with a benefit Summary. If someone has invested from 1 to 30 minutes reading, or listening to or watching your Presentation, and you've explained features and benefits, pricing, comparisons to the competition, answered questions and handled their objections, etc., please appreciate that your expectation or Client may be a minute confused and/or overwhelmed. If you wrap up your Presentations by saying something like; "The bottom line is there are 3 principal reasons to move transmit today" and then list the main Benefits, you'll be directing your expectation or Client back to the main reasons for them to place their Order.

[9] A Call to Action:

At the end of every Ad, Promotional piece, industrial and/or Sales Presentation, a Call to activity is critical. It's easier for the majority of people to procrastinate than to make a decision. You need to help them by telling them what to do next and you might also clarify how easy it is and possible add how great the end supervene will be after they make a sure decision.

[10] Free is Great:

I recently had a Client who was spending over 0 a month for Recruiting Ads on the Internet for Salespeople. He was amazed to learn there are dozens of Free Recruiting Sites available. The odds are practically all things you might need is ready at no cost somewhere on the Internet.

[11] Web Site:

Needless to say this is the particular most prominent way to keep you competitive and possibly even set you apart from your competition. Domain Names and Hosting have become dirt cheap and you can use Wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) Software to at least build a particular Home Page. Finally, there many Free Sites to educate yourself about Seo (search motor optimization) with suggestions about Page layout, Page titles, Meta tags, Key Words, Navigation, Links and even crusade motor submissions, etc.

[12] firm Cards:

98% of all firm Cards are blank on one side which is a total waste of usable space. Have something of value on the back of your Card that make people want to keep your Card. It could be a Calendar, a reduction Coupon or some sure Sayings, etc.

[13] Press Releases:

If you don't blow your Horn... Who will? When you have any News of Value, shout it to the World in a Press Release. Send it to local Newspapers and Magazines, Radio and Tv Talk Shows and over 100 Web Sites which issue Press Releases. It's the particular most cost efficient way to advertise and promote your stock or Service. Start with a creative and concentration grabbing Headline. Write the issue in the third party and make it enthralling by adding some humor, an analogy and/or some manufactures Stats. always include a photograph and short Bio with your caress information. If possible, include an offer for a Free Giveaway that readers or listeners can ask which helps you track your results and build your Email List. You should send out one Press issue each month.

[14] Articles or Tips:

Offer to furnish Articles or even better, a series of monthly Tips to Associations and Organizations in your manufactures to issue in their Newsletter, Ezine, Magazine and/or Web Site. Although they aren't directly endorsing you or your Company, you gain the impression as being an manufactures Expert. Of course, ask them to include your Bio or at least caress information at the end of each report or Tip.

[15] Use Add Ons to Build Value:

In today's environment, many associates are offering Discounts. Although this can generate some immediate Sales it creates a challenge to raise your Price later. Plus if you're constantly giving deep discounts, many Clients will wait and buy later because they know you'll probably be offering it economy in the future. Instead, offer an Add On to build value and keep your Pricing strong.

[16] Swipe and Deploy:

You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, look for Slogans, Strategies, Sales, Themes, Processes, Campaigns and Specials which are being used successfully in other Industries, and then tweak them to apply to your stock or Service. Of course, make sure and avoid Copyright infringement.

[17] Recognize, reward and Retain:

Let your best Customers (the 20% that buy the 80%) know how much you appreciate them by offering added incentives or specials and the odds are that they will stay loyal to you longer. Recognize them with a Dinner, Gift Certificate or plainly sending them a personal Note or Letter.

[18] Don't be a One Trick Pony:

I watched "America's Got Talent" one night and although there was some creativity and a few perfect Acts, most were a One Trick Pony. Most Acts were voted off within one or two rounds because they looked, sounded and performed exactly the same as their first round. Many Salespeople and so-called Marketing experts are also a One Trick Pony. Even though they work with Prospects with many different personalities, levels of instruction and a multitude of buying habits, they talk or write the same way to everyone.

[19] Sub-Conscious Computer:

We all have the most Computer in the World, our Sub-Conscious Mind. You can give it instructions to do something and then allow it to do it's magic. Ever tried to remember the name of a Movie and the name comes to you in the middle of the night? You can tell it to come up with 5 new Marketing Headlines by next Saturday and then get out of your own way and allow it to do it's thing. It always comes up with the answers you need.

[20] Don't forget the Sales Training:

A friend recently asked me to Mentor his Daughter who works for a major Telecommunications firm with dozens of Call Centers with thousands of Sales Reps. I was amazed at how lost she was about her Sales skills and the Sales process. They put her straight through 6 weeks of stock knowledge and only 2 days of Sales Training. When I offered to critique her Script or Call Guide, she admitted they didn't even have one. When I asked about on-going Training she admitted that her manager was buried in Reports and Meetings and couldn't spend any time with the Reps. It seems that most associates hire Sales Reps and assume they already know how to sell. Don't waste money on Advertising and Marketing if your people can't Close a spring loaded Storm Door.

[21] Use customary Sayings:

Your Prospects and Customers are bombarded with hundreds of Ads on a daily basis and your Marketing needs to stand out from the crowd. Why not use a customary Saying that most people already know to grab their attention? Remember the old adage; "When Pigs Fly"? Burger King has adapted that to introduce their new Bar-B-Q Bites.

[22] reward Card or Frequent Buyer Program:

Reward customer loyalty with a reward Card which gets punched (or keep track electronically) with each purchase and when your customer buys 5 or 10 or 20 items, they might get 1 free. If that doesn't fit your budget, you might give them a 20% reduction on their next purchase when they buy a definite amount. Or you could give them a free accessory with the purchase of a larger item, etc.

[23] social Networking:

Facebook has over 200 million Members. You Tube visitors watch 13 Billion Videos a month. LinkedIn has 15 Million firm people networking. Twitter is growing at over 40% per month. So what's your excuse for not using these Free Promotional tools to help build your creditability, your reputation, your List of Prospects and yes, even your Sales? For those who believe you are too small, this is how you become Big. For those who believe you can't afford it, you can't afford not to do it. For those who believe you just don't need it, your Competition will eat you for Lunch.

[24] Piggy Back your Press Release:

Here's a great way to get more bang for you buck with Press Releases. The primary Press issue should furnish information about the upcoming Event. Next, put out a follow-up issue a few days, weeks or months later about the success of that Event. Finally, send a nice Letter to the Editor thanking them for their coverage both before and after. Of course, in that Letter you can also plant the idea for a possible interview for a Human Interest Story or a Trend Setting Idea or a Series of Tips for their Readers, etc.

[25] Offer Up Sells:

A great way to dramatically growth your Sales and Profits is to always offer an Up Sell at the time of Purchase. About 60% of your Customers will buy more if the Up Sell offered is less than 60% of the primary purchase price. Don't be afraid to offer a deep reduction on your Up Sell Offer since your cost of doing firm on that Sale has been significantly reduced.

[26] Use Adjectives:

I urge you to use an Adjective whenever you use a Noun. Of course, the purpose is to add more information and/or impact the Noun used. An example is that a Dog is a Dog, right? Yes, until you add Big, Scrawny, Scruffy, Scary, Cute, Wild, Lovable, etc. These illustrated Words "Paint Pictures" in your Prospect's or Customer's mind.

[27] Promotional Freebies:

Depending of the size of your firm and the volume of firm you do with sure Vendors or Suppliers, you could be missing out on some authentically neat stuff. Many associates have a Promotional group and/or they plainly want to keep you as a happy camper. All you have to do is pick up the Phone and start request who you need to talk to in order to get some give-a-ways. straight through the years I've negotiated all things from small things like Mouse Pads, Toys, Shirts or Jackets, to tickets to Pro Football Games, Hospitality Tents and Nascar Races. You can use them for the Owner, a valued employee or as a prize for a Sales Contest, etc. Don't wait for them to be offered since I've found that many times the Rep I was dealing with didn't even know these things were even available.

[28] Testimonials:

If we say it, the Prospects can doubt us. If a Client or customer says it, then it must be true. Use Testimonials on your Web Site, Brochures, Cover Letters and stock or aid Descriptions. If possible, use the person's photograph. Of course with the new Fcc rulings, always make sure you keep a copy of the primary Testimonial for your records.

[29] Write Killer Kopy:

Here are a concentrate of quick Tips for writing great promotional Copy. Tell a Story and give them every calculate to buy and not just a few. include a concentrate of Testimonials. Build in Answers to the most beloved Objections and/or Questions. include a strong Call to Action. Give them a Bonus for ordering now or possibly make it a minute time Offer. Also remember that victorious Ads mention the most prominent part of the Offer 3 times.

[30] Test Long and Short Copy:

The Short Version would regularly be the Features and Benefits while the Long Version will get your expectation and Customers emotionally complicated with you, your firm and your offering. The Long version will can outsell the Short version by as much as 40%.

[31] Promote Holidays:

Depending on which ones you count, there are 10 or more Holidays per year. Many Businesses thrive straight through them and most suffer because of them. How many can you behalf from by beginning a promotion using that particular theme? You might have to push the envelope a minute like the Tv Ad I saw recently promoting a Pap Smear as "The perfect Holiday Gift for the Lady you love". That's a minute crazy even for me any way it did get my attention.

[32] Are you Selling or Solving:

Instead of always touting the Benefits or Features of a stock or Service, try enthralling to your Prospect's or Client's needs, wants and desires. With a few exceptions, the majority of people are motivated by whether Fear or Greed. Recognize their concerns in your Headline, show empathy in your Presentation, offer them a explication in your overview and of course you should add the all prominent Call to activity at the Close. If you demonstrate a sincere desire to Solving Problems you'll enjoy a dramatic impact to your bottom line.

[33] Certificates:

Add value to your Customer's caress with you or your firm with Certificates. There is an perfect perceived value when you offer ,000 worth of Groceries for completing a contemplate or a 3 day Vacation to an exotic location for plainly addition their general Order size or 0 worth of Dining Coupons for providing you with 5 Referrals, etc. These Certificates are ready in bulk for only pennies on the dollar.

[34] A photograph is worth a Thousand Words:

That can be true any way what are those "words" telling your Prospects. Rather than just showing a photograph of your stock or Service, how about a Before and After example? You see, relevance is more prominent than ingenuity. Let's say you have a motor that helps people make a purchase much faster. One Shot shows a long line of 15 unhappy Customers waiting to pay and the Clerk tearing their hair out. The second line has only 2 Customers in it and they and the Clerk are all smiling.

[35] furnish a Video:

Video is a great way to promote both associates and Individuals. Reconsider a Corporate Image Video on your Web Site, a short Video to clarify the benefits of a stock or Service, a Video with brief Testimonials from happy Customers or a teaser Video for a new Promotion to email to your customer and expectation List. Plus, there are over 100 Sites on the Web to post those Videos for World wide exposure.

[36] Give Something Back:

You can reap large benefits for months and even years, by giving something back to your Community. It could be as uncomplicated as volunteering to keep a Mile of a Highway clean or planting some Trees in a Park. If your budget allows, Reconsider sponsoring a Kids Softball Team or paying to build a unblemished Baseball or Soccer Field with your firm name plastered all over it. Why not have a contemplate among your Employees and get their ideas on how you can get more complicated in your Community. At least do some Volunteer work and get some great Press coverage.

[37] Turn Lemons into Lemonade:

When my Web Site was recently hacked every crusade motor in the world immediately settled a "warning" on over 80 references to me stating that "visiting this Site could harm your computer". Luckily, my Web Host and Webmaster busted their butts to get the Site repaired and the crusade Engines started removing all of the "warnings" within 24 hours. While this was going on I sent a Letter of Apology to my Subscriber List explaining all things and offering everyone a complimentary copy of the Manuscript to my Autobiography. I received hundreds of requests from the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean, the Uk, Norway, India, Africa and Japan to name a few. I also received many nice words of encouragement and thanks for my 30 plus years of helping people become the best they can become and enjoyed a great spike in Sales.

[38] Kill your automated Answering Attendant:

Prospects and Customers call you to speak to a real person. If they didn't want that personal concentration they would have sent you an Email or used your Web Site. I'm amazed at associates that try to save on the wages for a "live" Attendant or an Answering aid and end up creating ill will. everyone agrees there is no second opportunity at a first impression any way we insist on greeting people with a motor that creates negative feelings and often frustrates our Callers by remarkable them with a dozen of more options.

[39] Our Knowledge is a Leaking Bucket:

In other words, we need to keep replenishing it with new Skills, Ideas, Concepts and Techniques. One up-to-date week I studied Brian Tracy, Frank Kern, Brendon Burchard, John Carlton, Justin Blake, Harvey MacKay, John Assaraf and Bob Proctor for at least an hour each. Plus I skimmed straight through over 150 Newsletters and Ezines and 300 promotional Emails. Would you dream that I might have learned a few Marketing Gems?

[40] become a World Expert:

One of the most tips my Mentor taught me was how easy it is to become a World Expert. He said knowledge is power and if you invest one hour a day to study any one Subject, that within 5 years you would be a world-expert in that particular Subject. It might be the manufactures you already work in, a beloved hobby, or even an interest you had many years ago and got away from. Just dream what that knowledge will be worth to you in the future. You can make money from Articles, Books, Audio or Videos and even as a Speaker, Trainer, or consultant and take total control your financial destiny. Ps: You can speed up that process by investing 5 hours a day and become that devotee in only 1 year.

[41] Characters furnish Cash:

Consider a Spokesperson (real or animated) to "front" your Product, aid or Company. This could be an Animation such as the Geco from Geico Insurance, a nationally known Sport frame such as Dale Earnhart Jr. For Wrangler or possible just a Voice Over such as Gene Hackman for Lowes. These images or at least the voice authentically demands your attention. You can always start small with someone who is well known in your area of the Country for a lot less money.

[42] Split Testing:

A great way to resolve the success of any Product, aid or Promotional Campaign is to escort a Split Test to different parts of your expectation and/or customer List. Try Long Copy versus Short Copy, try different Price Points, Headlines and even Colors before rolling out the unblemished Promotion.

[43] Surveys:

Surveys give you a great idea what your Prospects and Clients and thinking. What are their likes and dislikes? What do they want in the way of Pricing, Packaging, Specials, Terms and Guarantees? How do they compare you to the Competition? What do they need this year that they didn't last year? It also truly shows that you care about their opinions, feelings and feedback.

[44] Raffles:

Most people love the opportunity to get something of value at no cost so you might Reconsider this once a year or so. Your Customers could get one Entry for each Order or one Entry for each particular dollar number they spend. You could giveaway one of your Products or Services or best yet, get a vendor or provider to donate something of value at minute or no cost to you.

[45] Joint Ventures:

A Joint speculation is any aggregate of associates where one firm promotes the stock or aid from the other firm to their Client and/or expectation Lists or possibly both associates co-promote each other's stock or aid to both Lists. The benefits include reduced advertising costs, added credibility from the other Company's Testimonial plus all of the new found firm you obtain.

[46] Know your Numbers:

There's a great saying that "If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up someplace else". Allow me to paraphrase that by stating "If you don't know your Numbers, you probably won't go anywhere". With any type of Advertising, you need to know your response percentage, cost per Lead and conversion rate, etc. Once you have spoton stats it becomes easy to know what needs to be tweaked for improvement, When I do Consulting, many times I've found that we only need to heighten sure numbers or percentages by 5 or 10% which results in a dramatic 50 to 200% thorough sure impact to the bottom Line.

[47] Gift Cards:

These add Pure behalf to your bottom line. First they add wage before you need to fill the Orders. Second, they build Brand loyalty. Third, they are a convenience for your Customers. Fourth, they can bring you new Customers. Last and most important, anywhere from 30 to 50% of all Gift Cards are Never redeemed.

[48] 2 quick Tips for Direct Response Ads:

First, when you instruct the Prospects to call a toll free number, clarify they will only be listening to a Recorded Message and not talking to a "live" Person. This puts them at ease since they might be afraid that a "live" someone might try to Sell them. Second, ask them to leave their Email Address for added details rather than their Phone Number. This also disarms Prospects who are concerned about being bombarded with phone calls.

[49] Media Interviews:

The best publicity is the kind you get for Free. Hundreds of Newspapers, Tv and Radio Talk Shows, Magazines and Newsletters are always looking for a good story. It may be your Products or Services, a Donation made, a community aid performed, a firm expansion, acquisition or added location planned, etc.

[50] A slogan for Branding:

Any Marketing Guru knows the value of creating a slogan for Branding purposes. Reconsider Don't leave Home without It, The most Show on Earth, Just Do It, Let your Fingers do the Walking, It's the Real Thing, They're Grrrreat, Imagination at Work, I can't believe I ate the whole thing, Have It Your Way, Put a Tiger in your Tank, So Easy a Caveman can do it or The King of Beers and the odds are you immediately think of the firm or stock behind the Slogan. What can you come up?

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Affordable Vacation Ideas For Families

Small Business Saturday Facebook - Affordable Vacation Ideas For Families The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Affordable Vacation Ideas For Families. And the content related to Small Business Saturday Facebook.

Do you know about - Affordable Vacation Ideas For Families

Small Business Saturday Facebook! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In the best of times, it can be difficult for families to budget the funds to get away for a time of rest and relaxation, but that task proves to be even harder in today's economic conditions. Thankfully, it's not impossible. The following list of trip tips provides affordable vacation ideas for families who want to flee the rat race this year and enjoy a diminutive time away together without breaking the bank.

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How is Affordable Vacation Ideas For Families

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Small Business Saturday Facebook.

Take a Stay-Cation

It used to be that family vacations meant packing Mom and Dad and the kids into the family center wagon or boarding a plane for a long cross country trek, but with the provocative economic times of the past few years, families are looking plentifulness of opportunities to get away within a day's drive of their own backyards.

From state parks and theme parks to regional resort towns nearby lakes, beaches, or mountains, budget-minded travelers are looking plentifulness of opportunities to relax and unwind just a tank or two of gas away from home.

Talking with friends and relatives who've taken similar trips or searching for nearby family vacation destinations on the Internet can help you turn up some of these nearby family fun spots.

Take benefit of Discounts and special Offers

Just like the vacationers who visit them, the owners of hotels and attractions are very mindful of the recession and are offering special deals and discounts to entice vacationers to spend their hard earned dollars with them.

To find these special offers, visit the websites of the destinations, hotels, and attractions you wish to visit and look for a link to the page containing their current discounts and promotions. Additionally, placing a call to the destination can search any specials they have recently announced that might not have been posted on the website.

Be Spontaneous

Although it's not always possible, the capability to drop everything and go with a few days' notice can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars. While this may not be feasible for a family that has just a small window of occasion to get away, families with small or home-schooled children and parents with flexible work schedules can take benefit of these last diminutive opportunities.

Though it does take some diligence - and the capability to make a quick decision -- the Internet makes it easy than ever to find these deals. trip comparison sites, like and Orbitz track the latest deals and pass them along to their readers. Airlines such as Southwest Airlines oftentimes post last diminutive airfare and hotel packages online.

To be among the first to know when these deals come to be available, track sites that corollary vacation deals and sign up for their newsletters or deal alerts. If you don't like giving out your email information, you can also corollary them on Twitter or Facebook. Just make sure to periodically check their posts and updates in order to take benefit of any time-sensitive offers.

Travel Off Season

In good times or bad, vacationers can save money and avoid the crowds by traveling off season. Peak times for family vacation destinations vary on location, but most are Memorial Day through Labor Day. Vacationers who visit covering of these dates can avoid fighting the crowds and paying peak rates that are connected with the busy season.

If vacationing off season isn't an option, look into the possibility of travelling on weekdays during the peak season. Many resort towns fill up end-week through Saturday night, but are quieter on Sunday through the middle of the week and may even offer room and attraction discounts for these off-days of the week.

One word of caution, however, when traveling off season, some of the attractions may be offered on a more diminutive basis or not at all. Be sure to call ahead to verify which venues will be open and what their hours will be.

Don't Eat Your Budget

Finally, one of the simplest ways to save while travelling is to avoid paying the inflated traveler prices for food. Booking a hotel room with a kitchenette or even a small refrigerator can help you keep and prepare food for easy meals or lunches to go.

Even theme parks offer in and out privileges. Getting your hand stamped and heading off-site for a picnic or even to a fast food restaurant covering of the attraction can drastically cut down on the costs connected with visiting the park.

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collective Media Tips - Twitter and Blogging - The Dynamic collective Media Duo

Small Business Saturday Facebook - collective Media Tips - Twitter and Blogging - The Dynamic collective Media Duo The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination collective Media Tips - Twitter and Blogging - The Dynamic collective Media Duo. And the content associated with Small Business Saturday Facebook.

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Small Business Saturday Facebook! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

My success with public media has been modest, but I only started using these sites a few years ago to build a following for my online businesses. Blogging is great for holding my company's long-term supporters informed about what is happening, and for helping people just finding us learn what we are all about.

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How is collective Media Tips - Twitter and Blogging - The Dynamic collective Media Duo

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Small Business Saturday Facebook.

Twitter is a tool for connection and interaction. Write a series of interviews with people in your business on the blog and have find several to interview via Twitter. It is conversational, and I like the equalizing factor - everyone, big-time or small-time, has the same 140 characters to work with and it is all on you to make those characters sing.

The best advice is to stay focused but not narrow. Sometimes you may not have anything to write about on your blog. This is when to filter in guest written interviews, which were located via Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Today's twenty something entrepreneurs grew up watching the Magic School Bus on Saturday mornings, and are follower of Ms. Frizzle - Take chances, get messy, make mistakes. public media is still evolving so you might as well push the boundaries and see what happens, because even if it only works for you it still works.

Best tools: Use Twitter and a WordPress blog as tools to create exposure for your business. The ideas are boundless for using public media sites as tools to form a greater Web presence, and attract followers and customers.

Do not be shy. Just get out there and try them all. You will fast seek which are the best fit for your business.

By the way, do you want to learn more of my "tricks of the trade" of using public media to boost your online profits and exposure?

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Small Business Saturday Facebook. Where you'll be able to put to easy use in your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is Small Business Saturday Facebook.Read more.. additional hints collective Media Tips - Twitter and Blogging - The Dynamic collective Media Duo. View Related articles associated with Small Business Saturday Facebook. I Roll below. I actually have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share collective Media Tips - Twitter and Blogging - The Dynamic collective Media Duo.

Guerrilla Pr- part One

No.1 Article of Small Business Saturday Amex

The Nature Of Media

Thirty years ago, Marshall McCluhan, the father of modern
communications, wrote the immortal words, "The medium is the message."
Today I would amend that to, "The medium is the media." Our civilization is
utterly dominated by the force of media. After our own families, no work on
holds greater sway in shaping the text of our being than do the media that
cloak us like an electronic membrane.

Small Business Saturday Amex

We all think of ourselves as unique, unlike any man past or present.
Indeed, what gives human life its divine spark is the inevitable potential of every
individual. Yet in many ways we are all the same. The task of market
analysts, pollsters, and demographers is to recognize those characteristics we
share, and group us accordingly. If you are in your early forties, male,
Caucasian, a father of two, earn ,000 or more, and listen to a Top 40
radio station, there are total strangers out there who know an awful lot about

Guerrilla Pr- part One

That's because they understand a lot about your upbringing. They know
you watched "The Mickey Mouse Club" in the fifties, "The Man From
U.N.C.L.E." in the sixties, "Saturday Night Live" in the seventies, became
environmentally conscious in the eighties, and were probably sorry Abc
canceled "Thirtysomething" in the nineties. They've got your whole because
they understand the role the media have played in your life from the occasion
you Boomed as a Baby.

Today, in America, we tune in to over 9,000 commercial radio stations, 1,100
television stations, 11,000 periodicals, and over 11,000 newspapers with a
combined circulation of nearly seventy million. These are the sources of our
opinions on all from nuclear disarmament to Madonna's love life.
Nobody likes to be told what to think, but all of us, every singular day, are told
precisely what to think about.

As Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson show in their insightful book, Age of
Propaganda, the mass media are most productive in terms of persuading the
public for two former reasons. First, they teach new behavior and, second,
they let us know that inevitable behaviors are legitimate and appropriate. So, if
the media are encouraging inevitable buying patterns, fashion trends, modes of
thinking, the unstated message we receive is "It's okay for me to like that,
do that, feel that." In this way, our culture evolves, is accelerated, and

Like the transcontinental compel of the last century, the media link every
city, gully, farmhouse, and mountaintop in North America. Regionalism is
fading. The American accent is more uniform; our penchant for migration
and blending in is like the smoothing out of a great national blanket. We are
fast becoming one.

A coarse grammatical error occurs when population say "The media is" rather
than "The media are" ("media" being the plural of medium"). Yet I sense
people who say "the media is" are on to something. They realize the many
arms of the media-Tv, newspapers, radio, etc.-as part of one monstrously
monolithic creature. The media are "one" too.

Consider "Baby Jessica" McClure, for whom my firm donated communal
relations services. Jessica was the toddler from Midland, Texas, who fell down
a narrow pipe in her backyard in 1987. For thirty-six hours, America was
mesmerized by press coverage of her rescue. Acting as a implicated
neighbor, the media conveyed Jessica's light to the nation. The underground agony
of the McClure house became the anguish of all America.

Think of it: the temporary suffering of one "insignificant" slight girl stopped
the world's most remarkable country dead in its tracks. (Then, to canonize the
experience, the Tv movie version of Jessica's story made it to the small
screen within a year.)

Without those cameras there to catch it, and those Tv stations to broadcast
it, Baby Jessica's ordeal would have made precisely no impact on anything
other than her house and those who saved her. Because of the media, all of
America for two days became part of Jessica's family.

Contraction And Expansion

Journalists and talk-show hosts like to claim they're in the data
business or the news business. But you know and I know they're in the
money business just like everybody else. Because roughly all media are
privately held profit-making ventures, they behave much like any other
enterprise, seeing for ways to growth the lowest line.

To do that they must improve their buyer base, that is, their audience.
They must give the buyer what he or she wants. So if your local news
station runs a few too many five-part specials on the illicit sex lives of nuns
during "Sweeps Month," remember they're only trying to please the viewers.

Creating a prosperous stock means citizens may not always get the
information they need. A Harvard researcher found the average network
sound byte from presidential campaigns dropped from 41.5 seconds per
broadcast in 1968 to just under 10 seconds in 1988. That translates into
roughly sixteen words a night with which to make up our minds on who
should run the country. We absorb more information, yet understand less
than ever before.

This is a logical consequence of big media. Their existence depends on
keeping the audience tuned in. If Tv hub "A" covers candidate "B"
droning on about farm subsidies, most of the audience will probably switch to
station "C" running a story about the stray cat raised by an affectionate pig.
Station "A" would be wise to ditch candidate "B" and send a crew out to film
Porky and Tabby.

Along with this contraction of data is a parallel expansion of media.
Because communal scientists have us so precisely categorized, outlets targeted to
specific groups flourish. Lear's caters to mature, high-income women.
Details appeals to middle-income, fast-tracker men. Essence aims for black

Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul, and Mary, tells a great story in his stage show
to explicate how narrowly focused we've come to be as a society. In the 1940s
and 1950s we had the all-encompassing Life magazine. Then, we cropped our
vision down to population magazine in the seventies (all of Life wasn't good
enough anymore). Things tightened up even more with Us. Now we have Self.
Somewhere, there's just gotta be a magazine just for you. I can just imagine
it: on sale now, "Fred Morganstern Monthly."

Not only do we see more media outlets, but the flow of data has
likewise increased dramatically the past few years. Fax machines, cellular
phones, modems, fiber-optic cables, Low Power Tv, satellite down-links, all
have reshaped the way we get our information, when we get it, and what we
do with it.

During China's "Goddess of Democracy" protests in 1989, the students
kept in touch with the surface world via fax. Instantly, China seemed to leap
forward from feudal empire to modern nation. Vietnam was the first "we'll be
right back after these messages" war. As napalm rained down on the jungle,
we saw it live as it happened. We had no time to process data or
analyze events as we were barraged by them. Because of improved
communications, the Gulf War had the same effect, only with infinitely more

The media may have accelerated the process of dissemination, but as we
found out in the days of the first supersonic jets, breaking the sound fence
did not, as some scientists feared, cause planes to disintegrate. Likewise,
instant news did not cause us to psychologically disintegrate.

There's no way to collate what this means to society. To be carpet-bombed
by data must have far-reaching consequences to our civilization, but
that's for future observers to sort out. Today, we face an intimidating media-
driven culture. anything seeing to consequent in business must first expert the
fundamentals of navigating the media. To reach customers, donors, or
investors-to reach the public-one must rely on the media as the prime
intermediary. The methodology to accomplish this is known as communal Relations.

The Nature Of communal Relations

Half the world is composed of population who have something to say
and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.

-- Robert Frost

I'm often asked whether communal relations is a science or an art. That's a
valid question. In science, two plus two equals four. It will always equal four
whether added by a Republican from Iowa, a shaman from New Guinea, or an
alien from Planet X. However, in communal relations, two plus two may equal four.
It may equal five. It may equal zero today and fifty tomorrow.

Public relations is an art.

Like an art, there are rules of form, proven techniques, and standards of
excellence. But, overall, it's a mercurial enterprise, where instinct is as
legitimate as convention.

Public relations was once defined as the potential to provide the answers before
the communal knows adequate to ask the questions. an additional one P.R. Pundit once
stated, "We don't persuade people. We simply offer them reasons to
persuade themselves." I define what I do as gift-wrapping. If you holder a
bracelet in a Tiffany box, it will have a higher perceived value than if
presented in a K Mart box. Same bracelet, different perception.

Perception Is Reality

Don Burr, former Ceo of population Express Airlines, once said, "In the airline
industry, if passengers see coffee stains on the food tray, they assume the
engine maintenance isn't done right." That may seem irrational, but in this
game, perception, not the objective truth, matters most.

How one comprehends given data is all-important in communal relations.
For decades, baby harp seals were bludgeoned to death by fur hunters, but
until the communal saw the cute slight critters up close and personal and
perceived the hunt as unacceptable, the problem didn't exist. Before that, it
was a matter of trappers preserving their hardy way of life. The seals
ultimately hired the great publicist.

This also works in negative ways. The congressional check-bouncing scandal
was a case in which personel congressmen's visibility skyrocketed, while
their credibility plummeted. The Tobacco Institute, a Washington-based
lobbying and P.R. Outfit, spends its time and money claiming cigarettes are
okay. Nothing they do or say will ever make that true, but they may go a long
way in changing communal perception of their product. A few years ago they
sponsored subliminally that no-smoking regulations infringe on our basic
liberties. How's that for a P.R. Stretch?

Ultimately, the goal of any communal relations campaign is to whether reorient,
or solidify, perception of a product, client, policy, or event. From there,
nature takes its course. If the communal perceives the stock as good, the movie
star as sexy, the pet rock as indispensable, then the communal will fork over its
money. As the brilliant business author Dr. Judith Bardwick explained, "To be
perceived as graphic increasingly means one is perceived as successful."

Some may fee that stressing perception as reality is tantamount to
sanctioning falsehood. I disagree. As the great historian Max Dimont argued,
it didn't matter if Moses precisely did have a chat with the Lord up on Mount
Sinai or not. What matters is that the Jewish population believed it and carved
their unique place in world civilizations because of it. Perception became

Likewise, on a more mundane scale, one will consequent in a P.R. Campaign only
if the perception fostered truly resonates with the public. I do not believe
people are precisely duped. You may try all in your bag of tricks to get
the communal to see things your way. You'll pull it off only if the perception you
seek to convey fits the reality of the public, the reality of the times. As
Pretkanis and Eronson argue, credibility today is manufactured, and not

P.R. Or Publicity?

Often, the terms "public relations" and "publicity" are used interchangeably.
They shouldn't be. Publicity is only one manifestation of P.R.-specifically,
achieving notoriety through accumulated press exposure. A publicist knows
newspapers, magazines, and Tv talk shows. communal Relations is much more
than that. The communal Relations expert is as well versed in human nature as in
editorial and sound bytes.

P.R. Can be as macro as a campaign to persuade foreign governments so buy
U.S. soybeans, or as micro as a warm handshake. The notion that P.R. Is
simply a matter of mailing press releases is nuttier than a squirrel's
breakfast. As producer, manager, and publicist Jay Bernstein says, "P.R. Is
getting a front table at the right restaurant, getting you invited to the right
party, and getting into first class with a tourist ticket."

A man who has greatly affected my thinking, the esteemed business author
and lecturer Tom Peters, tells the story of a visit to a neighborhood
convenience store. "American Express was being a slight user-unfriendly,"
Tom recalls, "and it took a good three minutes for my Amex card to clear.
When it finally did, the cashier bagged my purchase, and as I turned to go
reached into a jar of two-cent foil-wrapped mints. He pulled one out,
dropped it in my bag, and said, 'The delay you experienced was inexcusable.
I apologize and hope it doesn't happen again. Come back soon.' For two
cents, he bought my loyalty for life."

This story is about one small business owner and only one customer, but it's
a exquisite example of good P.R. But what about bad P.R.? I doubt there's
anyone on the scene who has mastered that dubious craft great than
sometime-billionaire Donald Trump. This is a man who has lost operate of
his own gilded ship. His lurid infidelities, his profligate spending, his
precipitous fall from fortune, and, worst of all, his endeavor to exploit the
Mike Tyson rape tragedy to promote a prize fight, collectively paint a portrait
of a fully vulgar mind.

The Donald doesn't care what you say about him, as long as you spell his
name right. True, whenever he opens his mouth or makes a move, the press is
all over him. But his heavy celebrity has made him only a preponderant fool. You
are not likely to accomplish the degree of fame that Mr. Trump has, but, given
his shameful image, I would congratulate you on that.

P.R. Vs. Marketing

With Guerrilla P.R. (and P.R. In general), you do not tell the communal that your
new digital fish cleaner is the greatest invention since the dawn of time. You
could precisely do that in an ad. Your goal is to lead population to draw that same
conclusion for themselves. Otherwise, you're provocative in good old-fashioned-
or is it new-fashioned?-marketing strategy.

Companies often relegate communal relations to their marketing departments.
That might make sense from a corporate point of view, but there's a inevitable
difference in the middle of P.R. And marketing. Going back to the "science vs. art"
analogy, whereas P.R. Is the art, marketing is the science.

Bob Serling, President of the Stratford Marketing Group, an L.A.-based
marketing firm, has written, "Marketing is all you do to make sure
your customers find out about, and buy, your products and services." That's
a tall order, and to go about filling it, marketing executives lug nearby a
hefty bag of tricks.

To a large degree, they rely on surveys, demographic analyses and
established sales and advertising procedures to accomplish their goals. But
in communal Relations, intangibles play a far greater role. How do you quantum a
feeling? It's not easy, but in P.R. We trade in the realm of feelings every day.
We may use the media as the vehicle, but the scenery we traverse is
contoured by human emotion.

Marketing often goes hand-in-hand with advertising. The undeniable
advantage with advertising is that the advertiser retains full control. He
knows exactly what his message will say and precisely when it will be seen.
But remember this slight fact of life: most top ad agencies consider a 1-2
percent response rate a triumph. That's all it takes to make them happy.
And, like it or not, most population don't take ads as seriously as advertisers
would like. everybody knows they're bought and paid for.

I prefer the odds with major media exposure. True, you do lose a large
measure of control, and you never know for sure when or how your message
will be conveyed. But the communal is far likelier to accept what it gleans from
the news media over what it sees in commercials. If Dan Rather says a new
sports shoe is a daring innovation, population will give that more credence than
if business spokesman Bo Jackson says it. The news, precisely the truth, is
what Dan Rather says it is.

So who tells Dan Rather what's news? The media like to boast they rely on
ace newsgathering staffs; but in fact they depend a great deal on communal
relations people. That doesn't mean the journalists of America are saps.
They're just seeing for good stories. A hungry reporter and a smart publicist
is a match made in heaven, and it's been that way since the dawn of the
Communication Age.

From The Guerrilla P.R. File

In Amarillo, Texas, you'll find the Big Texan Steak Ranch, where the owner
issues the following challenge:

If you can eat a seventy-two-ounce steak in an hour, you get it free. News of
the deal traveled far and wide, even to the skies where I first read about it in
an airline magazine.

Glory Days: The Founding Of The P.R. Industry

The communal relations manufactures flourished with the growth of twentieth-century
mass media, although sensitivity to communal notion on the part of communal figures
is nothing new. Even Abraham Lincoln got into the act, declaring once, "What
kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself." The fathers of modern P.R. Knew
the value of straightforward images to convey remarkable messages.

Edward Bernays, founder of modern P.R., defined his mission as the
engineering of consent. He was a nephew of Sigmund Freud, and he strikes
me as having been just as perceptive about human nature as his esteemed
uncle. Bernays displayed a genius for concocting indelible images, something
good P.R. Campaigns require. In one early triumph, he arranged for young
debutantes to smoke Lucky Strikes while strolling in New York's 1929 Easter
Parade. What Bernays sold to the press as a bold political statement on
women's ownership was no more than a gimmick to sell cigarettes.

Pioneers like publicist/film producer A.C. Lyles set the pace for generations
of publicists to follow. an additional one innovator, Ivy Hill, is often credited with
inventing the press release. Hill believed telling the "truth" in journalistic
fashion would help shape communal opinion. He sensed editors would not
dismiss press releases as ads, but rather would realize their real news
value. He was right.

The publicist's potential to motion to newspapers proved invaluable to captains
of manufactures seeking to shore up their images. Back in the 1920s, Hill
masterminded industrialist John D. Rockefeller's much-ridiculed habit of
handing out dimes to every child he met. Ridiculous but productive in its time.
(Imagine T.Boone Pickens trying that today.)

Occasionally, clients got less than they bargained for. In the late 1950s, the
Ford Motor business hired P.R. Trail-blazer Ben Sonnenberg to help overcome
the negative fallout from the Edsel fiasco. He expensed Ford ,000 for a
foolproof P.R. Plan, and after three days submitted it in person. Sonnenberg
looked the breathless executives in the eye and intoned, "Do nothing." With
that, the dapper publicist pocketed his check and walked out, much to the
slack-jawed shock of the Ford brain trust.

Even nations sometimes need help. During the 1970s, Argentina industrialized a
little P.R. problem when its government kidnapped and murdered thousands
of its own citizens. Buenos Aires hired the high-powered U.S. Firm of Burson-
Marsteller to tidy things up. For a cool ,000,000, the firm launched an
extensive campaign provocative opinion-makers from nearby the world: a
stream of press releases stressed, among other things, the Argentine
regime's description in fighting terrorism. Sometimes the truth can be stretched
until it tears itself in half.

I don't wish to give the impression that P.R. Is strictly a gentle version of
lying. That's not the case. As I said, P.R. Is gift-wrapping. whether delivered
in fancy or plain paper, truth is truth, and the communal finally comprehends
it. The trick is packaging the truth on your own terms.

How often have you read about a big movie star storming off the set of a film
because of "creative differences" with the director? We all know the two
egomaniacs probably hated each other's guts. But if the papers printed that,
we'd realize the situation very differently. By our soft-pedaling the row with
words like "creative differences," the movie star's credit remains intact,
even though intuition tells us he's "difficult."

More Than One Public

Thus far, when referring to the public, I've generalized to mean the
population at large: We the People. The sophisticated modern art of P.R.
encompasses many more "publics" than that. In fact, selective targeting is a
primary tactic in sound P.R. Strategies. As you will see, bigger is not always

Depending on the goals, a publicist could target any one of assorted business,
consumer, or governmental communities. An investor seeking financial backing
aims for the financial press and relevant trade publications. A rock musician
zeroes in on the local music rags. A lobbyist might need nothing more than a
friendly description in the Washington Post, a retailer only the residents of his
immediate neighborhood.

Though I've found a few clients precisely dazzled by quantity, in P.R. potential is
what precisely counts. A seven-inch stack of press clippings means nothing unless
the objectives of the campaign have been met. The scrapbook makes a great
Mother's Day gift, but I'd rather see my clients' careers industrialized in the
right direction.

Figuring out which communal to reach is one of the most essential decisions a
publicist makes. My orientation-and, I hope, yours-is geared toward the
most essential audience vis-à-vis your objectives, which is not necessarily
the widest. You may want to target the population you buy from, the population you
hope to sell to, the population you work for, the population that work for you, and so
on. It's a big world full of slight worlds when you look closely.

In most cases I spell out precisely who and what I'm going after, and then
proceed aggressively. Don't go for the moon all at once. Set a goal, accomplish
it, then build on that base. Any good planner knows the advantages of
thinking three steps ahead while proceeding one step at a time.

From The Guerrilla P.R. File

The history-making August 1991 revolution in the former Soviet Union
began when then-president Mikhail Gorbachev left Moscow for a vacation on
the Crimean Sea. Because the whole affair had a happy ending, everybody
laughed when, only a few days later, the president of an outdoor billboard
company in Detroit ran a series of large ads all over town reading: "Welcome
Back, Gorby! Next Time Vacation in Michigan."

Michael Levine'S Ten Commandments For Dealing With Media

Never be boring. Never!

Know your subject thoroughly.

Know the media you contact. Read the paper, watch the newscast.

Cover you bases.

Don't just take "yes" for an answer. consequent up, consequent through.

Never feel satisfied.

Always speak your composure.

Think some moves ahead.

Be persistent, but move on when you're convinced you're getting nowhere.

Remember, this isn't brain surgery. Don't take yourself too seriously (like too
many publicists I know). Have fun.

A cool way to improve Guerrilla Pr- part One

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Internet Marketer - The One Thing You Need To originate Passive wage and Earn Money Online - Pt 1

It is the holy grail of the internet marketer - originate a passive wage and earn money online. Yet it is a fact that 99% of all new internet marketers never earn a cent through their online endeavors. So, what is it that differentiates the 1% who do earn money online and build themselves a passive income?

If you are reading this record then you have seen all the promises about manufacture money on the internet. Make 0 a day by clicking on your mouse just 12 times! Website already set up for you! All you need to do is bank the money! Blog your way to dollars without any effort! Point and click your way to internet riches! Copy and paste my campaigns and make a six frame wage in two hours a day! If, like me, you have purchased some, or many, of these products, then you know that the ability varies wildly. Some have useful information that you could probably have found elsewhere but still saved you time and educated you. Fair enough. Others are just shoddy eBooks that promote the owner's own products and tell you to make money by promoting the goods you just bought. Some are outright scams. Like one modern goods with a big inaugurate which promised massive, server breaking traffic in just days. Basically, it was just a glorified record submitter.

Again, we ask, what is it that allows the flourishing 1% of internet marketers to earn a passive wage online? I will give you the riposte in this paragraph. Can you find it? think the average, fledgling internet marketer spending his week working on his fledgling internet business.

Monday: Spent two hours manufacture a few ads for Facebook and plentifulness of Fish. 0 spent. 135 click throughs. Nil Sales. Ouch. Did some investigate on autoresponders. They say the money is in the list. How do I build a list?

Tuesday: Spent all day writing articles for affiliate sites and submitting them to discrete sites for approval.

Wednesday: Checked out new goods that promises to originate simple squeeze pages that will drive thousands of targeted buyers to my list and earn untold riches. Hmmm... Squeeze pages are harder than I thought. Domains? Hosting? Opt-ins? Html? Php? Re-directs?Actual squeeze pages created = zero.

Thursday: Went to four distinct blog hosting sites to originate my blog. genuinely succeeded in creating my blog at! It looks so sad with only my one short post request citizen to buy goods xyz because I suggest it. Wonder if any person will read my blog? Am I interesting?

Friday: Went to Squidoo and spent a few hours setting up a lens. It looks quite pretty. They tell me you can set up a Squidoo lens in fifteen minutes. I must be dumb.

Saturday: Spent all day trying to set up a shop on eBay. Checked nearby eBay and decided I should check nearby again later. What am I supposed to do with my shop when I get it set up?

Sunday: Spent some time checking out ClickBank, Paydotcom and Shareasale. Lots of products but how do I know which one to choose? Keyword research? Alexa ranking? Competition? Gravity? Didn't Isaac Newton witness that?

Monday: My record was rejected for too much self promotion and improper use of url.:-( Checked out my Squidoo lens. It is ranked 294,376. I wonder if that is good?

Total money earned for the week roughly equals zero.

Did you find the one crucial thing this internet marketer is missing?

The internet is full of dazzling possibilities. There are so many ways to do so many things. Some work and some don't. So much money is sloshing nearby on the internet everyday! Mind boggling money. Just ask Google. Try not to be shocked, but sometimes the internet gives false or misleading information! It is easy to get lost in the information overload that is available, especially in the field of the internet marketer. So many promises, so many options to explore. Each more seductive than those previous seductive offers that you tried.

So, for the internet marketer, what is the one crucial thing you must have to succeed, originate a passive wage and earn money online?

You must have a plan.

A step by step, day by day, week by week, plan that will allow you to set up the base of your firm and build upon it each day. Each week. Each month. You must have a plan that guides you from where you are now, to where you want to be in six months and one year's time. A plan with actions for you to take on a daily and weekly basis that add to the previous actions you have already taken. You need a plan which has already worked successfully for others. A plan that is learnable and presented in bite size chunks of small, do-able flourishing actions. It is in the flourishing doing of small, purposeful actions which build upon each other, that success is built. Think about it. If each of your small actions is flourishing and focused, then purely by logic, the accumulation of these small successes must bring about greater success.

As Wallace D. Wattles says in his supreme book The Science of Getting Rich: There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are inevitable laws which govern the process of acquiring riches; once these laws are learned and obeyed by any man, he will get rich with mathematical certainty. The possession of money and asset comes as a result of doing things in a inevitable way. It is a natural law that like causes all the time furnish like effects; and, therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this inevitable way will infallibly get rich.

You must have a plan.

Without a plan 99% of internet marketers flounder nearby in the ocean of internet information and never make a cent online. For a step by step, day by day plan which has worked for me, click on the link in my bio box. result the steps. Join the 1%.

You must have a plan.

Remember that kindness is more leading than wisdom.

link The Internet Marketer - The One Thing You Need To originate Passive wage and Earn Money Online - Pt 1 link

Creative Selling Strategies 2010

Small Business Saturday Facebook - Creative Selling Strategies 2010 The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Creative Selling Strategies 2010. And the content associated with Small Business Saturday Facebook.

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Small Business Saturday Facebook! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Winning With Creative Sales Techniques

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Small Business Saturday Facebook. You look at this article for information on what you need to know is Small Business Saturday Facebook.

How is Creative Selling Strategies 2010

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Small Business Saturday Facebook.

I recently had the chance of helping to judge a group of creative sales technique entries for a large distribution company. It reminded me that creativity is now and all the time has been the way to win the sales game in arresting times and situations. Sometimes you utilize modern technology but most of the time sheer creativity is what sets you apart from the competition!

Here are some examples of entries that won the competition. These entries show what has changed and what has stayed the same in creative strategies for selling.

1. Seeing and very successfully selling an off-season product to existing "summer-only" business customers. The unlikeness here was in how the customers were identified and contacted. Historically this would have been by phone or in person but in this case the new contacts and customers came via e-blasts and Facebook. The backup and strengthening feature of the new product promotion however, was still a billboard ad campaign. How can you use technology to attract new customers or promote your creative ideas to existing customers?
2. Recognizing that a competitor's customer was about to lose his existing victualer due to bankruptcy, this salesperson had a new showroom display model of his product himself but at the customer's address. When the retailer called to clue him of the miss-shipped box he apologized for the error and promised to stop by and pick it up. When he asked if they would enjoy Seeing the about-to-be-released product version and received a "yes" it was the strong "buy signal" that he had been waiting for. He got the business for the year. This example of creativity would have been a winner in the past just as it was in 2010. What unexpected or superior things can you do to open the door or attract your inherent customer's attention?
3. Taking benefit of his bi-lingual abilities this salesperson appealed to his small assistance contractors (with counter card displays in Spanish) and asked for leads to other similar businesses in the Hispanic community. He offered supplementary keep and/or leads and spiffs in replacement for new contractors signed up. That first agenda was so successful that he added a second level to the agenda for referrals to other contractors in separate businesses. That was also a success. What strengths and/or unique talents can you utilize to take business away from your competition?
4. Seeing a high profile name or event to tie your promotion to is (and all the time has been) a creative way to have promotions recognized and get response. During the World Cup soccer finals in South Africa this European rep named his July promotion after the country's coach and team and alluded to their earlier-than-necessary demise. Because the event had everyone (including all of his customers) talking his promotion gained a bit of notoriety and was a huge success. He doubled his business from the previous year's promotion. What are habitancy reasoning and talking about could help you set a timetable for your promotions?
5. Creating unique reports to continually remind customers (and field sales people) of an on-going promotion. This sales owner created unique and customized computer reports, simple but effective, that could continually be e-mailed to his field sales habitancy and their customers. The reports indicated advance made and unit sales still required to attain previously agreed to sales increase incentives. The promotion was the most successful ever with his sales town achieving more than duplicate any other center's gains. How can you use customized computer reports to remind customers of how they can accomplish success in a promotion?
6. Doing night-time, updated sales techniques training and contribution customized presentation booklets for a retailer's whole floor sales staff (as well as contribution Saturday deliveries) was how this jobber sales person took 100% of the business away from his competition. The cheaper had stalled sales and a new round of sales training plus customized presentations rejuvenated this customer's consumer-business. What unique training can you offer that will help a customer gain sales in a depressed economy?
7. Being creative about how products are assembled, packaged and delivered can sometimes increase volumes because of shared savings. This sales person worked with a customer and created a check with order process that, coupled with a 12 model cookie-cutter program, was able to reduce costs for the jobber and the retailer. When these savings were passed on to the buyer business increased dramatically. How can you find creative ways to save costs and pass the savings on?

No matter how much technology changes our daily lives and sales presentations, creatively solving a question for a customer is still the winning combination. How can you help a customer gain lost sales? Find the sass and win the game!

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The Best Selling Item On eBay!

#1. The Best Selling Item On eBay!

The Best Selling Item On eBay!

What is the best selling item on eBay you ask?

The Best Selling Item On eBay!

I'm not going to play you out with lame ideas for eBay businesses that don't work, or tell you to go out and study all yourself. Nope, not here! All you need to know right now is that sunglasses are an easy money machine selling in eBay. Even with summer ending soon, sunglasses remain beloved year round. I know you've probably seen a lot of articles like these throughout the years, but this isn't your typical fake out. I'm going to tell you all that I've done (recently) this past summer to buy a car, get my own place, and conquer eBay.

When people ask me "what is the best thing to sell on eBay", I regularly don't tell them. I've decided to spill the beans on here now because I have moved on from eBay, and have started my own company. Why waste good guidance when I can offer you (the people) great eBay tips for selling and the quality to make money?

So here's what you do. Create an eBay account. If you don't have one already it's easy so I won't elucidate it here. Now while creating your eBay list think of a firm name you want to go by. Something catchy like shademebaby or whatever. It's not a big deal if you don't like it, because eBay lets you change your name after a month anyway. Also, most customers on eBay don't care about your name and won't repeat shop with you anyway.

Now I'm going to give you an eBayer Id I want you to look at, and copy as much as possible. They sell the most sunglasses on eBay, and are good at it. They sell like 10,000 pairs of sunglasses on eBay a month. The name is "Sharpko". Crusade for it on eBay and check out how he sells sunglasses, and see what his listings look like. This is going to come into play later when I tell you how to Create your listings effectively.

Some other notes about your eBay list you should take into observation is the following: setup your paypal list and link it to eBay. You're going to need to Create an eBay store at some point so look into that. It costs 16.00 a month.Don't buy it yet though. If you're not well-known with your eBay list you should be by now.

The next confident step we have to take is to look for list to sell. Well, instead of sending you off and wishing you good luck on your Crusade I'm going to contribute a link to the best sunglasses jobber out there right now. Olympic Eyewear has the best quality sunglasses out of any other jobber website out there. Trust me, I went through this process already so I know first hand. If you want to Crusade for your own jobber feel free. Plainly type in wholesale sunglasses on Google and you'll find plenty. Be warned though, other quality of sunglasses out there suck balls.

So now that you're at Olympic eyewear's website we need to focus on 3 brands. The Dg sunglasses, Xloop sunglasses, and Aviators. These are the three most beloved brands of sunglasses on eBay. Don't bother with most of the other brands unless you see something you legitimately like. Now depending on how much money you have, will depend on how much stock you buy. The median cost is colse to a dozen per box. But, wait! Guess what? You can sell your sunglasses without buying them first. Here's how...

Pick a group of 5-10 sunglass styles you like. Now right-click and save the images for the sunglasses. Now when you go and Create listings on eBay, just use the stock images the website provides and "act" like you already have the sunglasses. Now, when you start selling them you can use the money other people pay you and use that to buy your inventory. Since Olympic Eyewear accepts paypal it makes it even easier. Words of caution are not going to sell all 12 pairs of a confident style before you have to buy them. So you're going to have to pay some of it. Also, look at Olympic eyewears shipping times and see how long it's going to take to arrive to your house. You don't want to keep your eBay customers waiting or they will leave you negative feedback and ruin your eBay account. It took like 4 or 5 firm days to reach me. As soon as they came to my house I shipped them out and it was never a problem.

Of policy that is the risky way to do business. The allowable way would be to pick 5-10 styles and buy them upfront. Don't worry you will sell them eventually. A word of guidance is not to go overboard on the styles you choose. Stick with 5 to 10 styles of the brands I mentioned above. If you observe a confident style sells a lot, I propose buying complicated dozens. The only flaw has is that their sunglasses sell Fast. They run out of stock quickly, so if you find a good jobber buy as much as you can afford. It sucks when you sell out of a style and go to buy more and they have run me I've been there complicated times.

Oh, one more note. Try to buy in bulk. If you only buy one or two dozen at a time you're going to get killed with the shipping costs. The best way to do it is find what sunglasses sell first, and then spend over 0 on an order at a time. I oftentimes spent over 1k on sunglasses. The positives to this are that you don't have to worry about stock for awhile, and olympiceyewear offers discounts the more you buy. I think I saved like 10% on my order for spending over a thousand dollars, so that paid for the shipping costs right there.

Now that you have your sunglasses picked out and ready to sell, you have to find shipping supplies! Forgot about those didn't ya? Don't worry I have the hookup. buy your tape from Walmart. You're going to need a lot of it so buy 3-4 rolls at a time. Also, I propose buying "stuffing" for your boxes so that the sunglasses are more secure. It's not necessary but I found that the customers liked it great this way.

It doesn't matter what sunglasses you buy, they all fit into 6x3x3 shaped boxes. I scoured the internet for the cheapest box prices and formed a relationship with mobe containers you can find here. I know there website looks a diminutive bad, but the prices are great and shipping is Super fast. I received my boxes within 2 days every time! Here is the exact page to get the boxes. I always bought white corrugated boxes because I idea they looked better, but you can get brown if you prefer. They are pretty much the same price. So for 50 boxes it costs 9.75, and the shipping is also a great deal. Make sure you go for the FedEx choice for shipping. I would propose buying at least 100 boxes to start.

Okay, now that you have the shipping supplies and sunglasses it's time to start listing them on eBay. I hope you know Html/Css because it makes it a lot easier to Create listings on eBay that look good. If you don't, no worries. I'll post the form that I used to list my sunglasses. I'm not specialist in this area, so feel free to invent your own outline. Think of eBay listings as a one-page advertisement for your product. Did you look at Sharpko eBay profile yet and his listings? You want your listings to look like his.

Anything that looks like the above example is what we are aiming for. It doesn't have to be exactly the same. For more ideas look at other eBay'ers selling sunglasses and what their listings look like. Make sure though that you come up with an form you like, and use it for all of your listings! You want all your listings to be identical except for the sunglass images. It makes it a lot easier for you and your inherent customers to recognize you and invent your listings. When you have over 1000 listings up at a time, you want to make it as easy as inherent for you to make changes.

Designing an form is going to take a day or two. It's probably one of the biggest details you have to pay attentiveness to. It's not as easy as slapping up an image with a simple narrative anymore. If you need help designing an form there are a few programs and websites out there to help you. Plainly type in eBay outlines or designs on Google, or Crusade eBays forums for help and advice. If you know man who can invent a sweet form for you, then you'll have a huge advantage over the competition.

Okay, so now that you have your stock, shipping supplies, and listing outlines ready to go, it's time to post them for the world to buy. The single, most important aspect of selling on eBay is your posting strategy. Here are some questions you need to take into observation before posting anything. How much are you selling for? How many listings are you going to have? Are you going to sell auction or fixed price format? What days and times should you post your listings? How many days should your listings run for? How much should you fee for shipping and handling? etc.etc.

I can't acknowledge all of these for you, but I'll focus on the more important ones in this article. Shipping costs. I know exactly how much it costs to ship sunglasses, and lucky for you, I'm nice enough to share it with the world. Sunglasses (including the box) weigh colse to 4 ounces. Sometimes you'll have them weigh a diminutive over that depending on if the sunglasses are heavy, but no worries. You are going to ship via the Usps (regular post office). Each box going out anywhere in the Usa is going to cost you a diminutive less then .00. Packages leaving the Us are colse to depending on exactly where. All you need to know is how much the box weighs because you're going to be printing all your shipping labels from home.

Before all of this though, you need to decree how much to fee customers for shipping. I propose charging more then the actual cost. people don't know how much it costs for you to ship so take advantage. I was charging 2.99 per package, and 4.99 for international. I made an extra dollar every time. Some people fee more, some people fee less. Play colse to with anything works for you. You also have to take into observation the price you fee for the product vs the price for shipping. If your selling sunglasses for 6.99, you can get away with charging more for shipping. If you sell for 9.99 a pair, you probably want to fee only 1.99 shipping. It's all relative. Find your sweet spot.

If you're not well-known with printing your own shipping labels, it's legitimately easy. Make sure you have a printer. It can be any old printer, nothing special. If you're shipping a lot of sunglasses though, you're going to need to buy ink a lot. After man makes a buy from you on eBay, you go to it and find the link that says print shipping label. Fill out anything facts it asks for, and it will Create a label for you that you print. Since you know the sunglass packages weigh 4oz, the label will automatically fancy the cost. After you print the label, cut it down to size, and tape it to your box. Now you can walk right into your post office, and drop the boxes off without waiting in line. It was funny walking in the post office when there was a long line, walking past everyone, and setting my boxes on the counter and walking away. Oh, and you pay for the shipping labels through your PayPal list so its legitimately easy. They just deduct the cost right from there for you.

How much to sell for? This request is legitimately up to you. Like I talked about with the shipping costs, you have to find what people are comfortable paying for. I will tell you that people prefer a lower farranging price vs the higher one (obviously). I charged 7.99-8.99 per pair with 2.99 shipping and it worked great. You may want to fee 9.99 w/1.99 s&h or even higher then that. I will also tell you that the eBay median selling price is 10 bucks for a pair of the sunglasses you're selling. So work with that and invent a winning price strategy.

Remember, selling sunglasses is about Volume! You're going to be production colse to 4-5 dollars per behalf per pair. The more you sell, the more money you make. Since they are so easy to sell, it shouldn't be hard for you to grow into a power seller.

How many listings should you have? My guidance is A Lot. As many as you can afford. The more listings you have up, the great opportunity you have of selling something and attracting attentiveness to your store. It's a numbers game, and if you want to compete you're going to have to put up big numbers. It's okay if you start small though. Focus on growing your list so that you have at least 200-300 listings up at one given time. I know a lot of sellers that have 1k+ listings going at once, and I know that Sharpko regularly has in the middle of 4-5k listings rotating colse to the clock. Think more listings = more exposure = more customers = more money!

How should I list my items? This is the big request you need to answer. Will you sell auction style or fixed priced? Well before you can acknowledge that request you need to see how many items you have available to sell? You see the qoute lies in how eBay lets you Create listings. You can't post duplicate items when you sell via the fixed price format. So every fixed price listing has to be a different color sunglasses. Ebay will remove duplicates real fast. Auction style listings though let you Create as many duplicate listings you want. So it would make more sense to sell auction style then right?

Well, yes and no. Auction style lets you reach the front page, sell duplicates, and more. However, auction style costs more overall. Its 25c to post an auction style listing. If you buy the basic store, and post a fixed price listing, it's only 20c. However, the big dissimilarity is fixed price listings can be set to the "good till' cancelled" duration. Auction listings can only be set to 7 days max. Huge dissimilarity here.

If I have 200 pairs of sunglasses and decree to list them at fixed price it's only going to cost me a month, plus the selling fee. If i take those same 200 sunglasses and list them auction style its going to cost +selling fee, and only last 7 days until I have to repay an additional one to list them again. The fees will begin adding up legitimately fast. Yes, you will sell more using the auction style because you'll receive more exposure, but in the end, eBay fees will kill you.

The best formula I found to work is this. List all of your sunglasses via the fixed price formula and set the duration to "good til' cancelled". Also list the quantity to more then 1 (even if you only have 1 of them, you can buy more). This way, your listings never end and you won't be paying crazy fees. You can test the auction style waters if you'd like, but be warned, the fees do add up fast.

What times/days should I Create listings? It legitimately doesn't matter what day you have your listings end for. You would think that the weekends would be a good time right? Well, after months of reasoning that, I came to find that I sold more on Mondays or Tuesdays then the weekends usually. With that said, Saturday still seems like the best day to have your listings end. There are programs on eBay that can give you facts on how many people are searching for your listings and things like that. You can use those to your advantage since most of them are free. One of the eBay apps I used was outright. It shows you how much money your production vs spending. It's a great tool to see if what you're doing is working or not.

Make sure when you Create listings that you spread the time out a little. Don't have all your listings end at the same time. I would use a timer (you can Google timer), and set the timer to 2-3 minutes at a time, and every time the timer goes off post one of the listings. If you're going to use the fixed price format, it legitimately doesn't matter because they run for a month. Setting your listings by time is a strategy you should use when listing by auction format because it makes sure you have listings on the front page of eBay every time man searches for the word sunglasses. This helps get your listings more exposure, which leads to more bids.

Well, that's all I got for now. There's a lot more I could probably go into, and I might in a time to come article, but my fingers hurt right now - Thanks for reading and I hope you can make as much money as I was selling sunglasses this past year! It's legitimately not that hard, trust me.

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